
I built this simple cat clicking application to learn how the MVO architecture.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CAT CLICKER (Because why not?)

This is a small front-end application I built to practice the MVO architecture in Javascript, so that I don't write spaghetti code. Instead of using a framework like Knockout etc, I implemented the architecture using pure vanilla JS and it feels great.

MVO means "Model, View, Octopus". The Model houses all the data, View takes care of the DOM, and the Octopus is what binds them together instead of letting model and view to each other directly. This makes sure that the code is more beautiful, maintainable and flexible for future changes.

What the app does

Open view.html in a browser. You will see a list of cats and an image of the first cat underneath. By clicking on the cat image, the number of clicks of that cat get increased.

By opening the 'Admin' form, you can update the current cat's details.