
Changing the Agent display name

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I am initiating a chat to a contact flow where I ask the customer what they need help with via Lex bot and then the call is routed to an agent. The Lex bot prompts appear with the display name of "Agent" and I am not seeing anywhere in the code where that is defined. When the call is routed to an agent the agent's display name appears correctly. Is it possible to modify the display name of "Agent" anywhere in the configurations?

Hi @seanhufnagel,

Are you using a custom solution or the hosted widget?
For hosted widgets, the default bot display name can be overriden by passing a customDisplayNames object in the widget snippet. See the steps here -
For custom widgets, the rendering logic is in our chat-interface package. You can update the code here and change itemDetails.displayName ifitemDetails.participantRole is "SYSTEM".

I am using a custom solution. I was able to find the participant role and update that accordingly. Thanks for your guidance. Do you also know where it is configured that it displays the Agent's first name? I am wanting to update that to include their last name.

Agent's first name and last name are configured in the Connect admin console, under user management. You can follow the guides here to edit existing users

Correct. I meant in the chat widget. When you are chatting with an agent it displays their first name in the chat widget. Do you know where that is configured?

I see. This is not controlled by the chat widget. The websocket payload that's sent by the Connect chat backend only includes the first name of the agent and that's by design. Currently there's no way to update that behavior from customer end.
As a workaround, you can put full name as the first name in the user management page. Let me know if that won't work for your use case. We can create a backlog task and bring it up with the backend team if this is high priority.