
This repo is created to generate a trajectory using kdl and visualize in rviz and gazebo. Then optimization is performed using NLOPT.

Primary LanguageC++

🔹 Getting started

This repository is developed to generate a trajectory using KDL, then optimization is performed on trajectory using NLOPT library.

🔹 Libraries required

  1. NLOPT
  2. KDL

Please refer this for installing the NLOPT https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/NLopt_Installation/

🔹 About this repo

Energy optimization, with Trajectory duration, target velocity, target acceleration and joint torques as constraints.

I calculate trajectory using KDL by providing two Cartesian points. Then from trajectory I read KDL::Frame of the end-effector in
Cartesian space and I use IK solver to calculate joint angles. In a similar manner using IK solver joint velocity is calculated.
Then using joint velocity , joint acceleration is deduced. Now, using Inverse dynamics solver with calculated joint angles,
joint velocity and joint acceleration , torque is calculated and with that torque, energy is calculated as,
Energy = tau_.transpose() * tau_

Constraint is given on joint torque which I take from motor torque (from urdf) for UR5. In this optimization, individual joint torques
are evaluated at each optimization step. This works same for Trajectory duration, target acceleration and velocity of the trajectory.