
This repository is created to simulate the force torque sensor on universal robot.

Primary LanguageCMake


This repository is created to simulate the force torque sensor on universal robot.

🔹 Getting started

This repo will generate the force torque data on the wrist_3_link of the UR5.

🔹 Running this repo

  1. source the required environment.
  2. Make sure to clone UR5 robot from here https://github.com/amjack0/universal-robot-with-force-torque-sensor , As there are changes requied in robot description file to have force torque sensor
  3. roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5.launch
  4. Make sure to change the gazebo_transport_topic_to_sub in the node as per your topic. after adding the sensor in robot.urdf.xacro file, launch the gazebo model and check the sensor topic name by gz topic -l .
  5. rosrun ft_sensor ft_sensor_gazebo_transport_to_ros_topic will start publishing the wrench.