Turtlebot Goal Navigation

This package is developed for goal navigation on turtlebot3.

Getting Started

Here, turtlebot3 hardware and simulation was used for testing and implementation.
For further information please follow; http://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/overview/

Prerequisites & Test Environment

Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (Xenial) + ROS Kinetic + Turtlebot3 hardware

Installation & Setup

For connecting the turtlebot3 hardware, please follow the issue Meet the real turtlebot in tier4. simply clone this repo with command,git clone git@fbe-gitlab.hs-weingarten.de:stud-amr/2019-ws-master/mg-183368_tier4.git
make sure to install turtlebot3 navigation from, https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3.git.
Install and make teb planner at https://github.com/rst-tu-dortmund/teb_local_planner.git

Running the repo

  1. Once you have connected your turtlebot with your pc with ssh pi@<ip_of_your_bot>
  2. For detailed instruction of launching and bringup, please follow the issue Meet the real turtlebot
  3. After this, we start our navigation & localization node withroslaunch mg_183368_prj navigation.launch
  4. Then with 2D Pose Estimate button on rviz, localization was improved followed by launching teleop node to drive the bot to the centre of the map roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch
  5. one can also test the setup with test goals with,rosrun mg_183368_prj my_test_goals.py
  6. goal publisher is then started, make sure if your roscore is running !
  7. Please double check if you are receiving the /goals topic.
  8. At the end, run roslaunch mg_183368_prj goal_navigation.launch