
implementing AdaBoost from scratch and comparing it with Scikit-Learn's implementation along with exploring concept of early stopping and weighted errors in boosting algorithms.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The code demonstrates how to implement AdaBoost from scratch and compare it with Scikit-Learn's implementation. It also explores early stopping and weighted errors in boosting algorithms.

Data Documentation

This data set dates from 1988 and consists of four databases: Cleveland, Hungary, Switzerland, and Long Beach V. It contains 76 attributes, including the predicted attribute, but all published experiments refer to using a subset of 14 of them. The "target" field refers to the presence of heart disease in the patient. It is integer valued 0 = no disease and 1 = disease.

For more information please read the data documentation.

Code Explanation

Data Preparation:

  • Load the dataset from heart_disease.csv.
  • Separate the target feature.
  • Change class labels to 1 and -1.
  • Perform train-test split.

Adaboost Algorithm Implementation:

  • Define functions for calculating error and alpha.
  • Initialize an AdaBoost class with empty lists for alphas, weak classifiers, and training errors.
  • Fit the model using a specified number of iterations (M).
  • For each iteration:
    • Set weights for the first iteration.
    • Fit a weak classifier (simple tree with max depth 1).
    • Calculate error and alpha for this classifier.
    • Append the classifier, error, and alpha to their respective lists.

Prediction and Evaluation:

  • Predict on test data using the trained model.
  • Print evaluation metrics: accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

Scikit-Learn Implementation:

  • Compare with Scikit-Learn's AdaBoost implementation.
  • Print evaluation metrics for Scikit-Learn model.

Early Stopping:

  • Calculate validation error for different numbers of estimators.
  • Plot validation error versus number of estimators.
  • Determine the best number of estimators based on minimum mean squared error. early stopping

Weighted Error:

  • Plot weighted training error versus number of estimators using training_errors attribute in AdaBoost class. wighted errors



  • AdaBoost (short for Adaptive Boosting) is an ensemble learning technique used for classification and regression.
  • It combines multiple weak learners (usually decision trees) to create a strong classifier.
  • The idea is to focus on samples that are misclassified by previous models.

Algorithm Steps:

  • Initialization:
    • Assign equal weights to all training samples.
    • Initialize an empty set of weak classifiers.
  • Iteration:
    • For each iteration:
      1. Train a weak classifier on the weighted training data.
      2. Compute the error (weighted misclassification rate) of the classifier.
      3. Calculate the weight of the classifier based on its error.
      4. Update sample weights: increase weights of misclassified samples and decrease weights of correctly classified samples.
      5. Add the classifier to the ensemble with its weight.
  • Final Model:
    • Combine all weak classifiers into a strong ensemble model.


  • To make predictions for a new sample:
    • Weighted majority vote of weak classifiers.
    • Higher weight classifiers have more influence.


  • Simple and effective.
  • Handles both binary and multiclass problems.
  • Reduces bias and variance.