
Documentation says default seed size is 27 but log and help say 24

eboyden opened this issue · 3 comments

Using SNAP 2.0.0. Both the long manual and the quick start guide say the default seed size is 27. But using default indexing parameters, the aligner log file shows:

Welcome to SNAP version 2.0.0.

Loading index from directory... 25s.  3110877063 bases, seed size 24

And the index command help message says:

/tools/snap/v2.0.0/snap-aligner index
Welcome to SNAP version 2.0.0.

Usage: snap-aligner index <input.fa> <output-dir> [<options>]
 -s                Seed size (default: 24)

Yup I figured that's what happened. Just letting you know the documentation needs updating.

And BTW, I really appreciate how well-documented this software is - I wish all binfx software developers followed this example.

Fixed in 2.0.1