
Error- GzipDataReader: inflate failed with -2

Closed this issue · 5 comments

MrOlm commented

When running SNAP on gziped reads, I get the following log:

Welcome to SNAP version 1.0beta.23.

Loading index from directory... 1s.  265549280 bases, seed size 20
GzipDataReader: inflate failed with -2
SNAP exited with exit code 1 from line 1659 of file SNAPLib/DataReader.cpp

From the zlib manual ( ), the -2 exit code from zlib corresponds to:

Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream structure was inconsistent (for example next_in or next_out was Z_NULL, or the state was inadvertently written over by the application)

Any idea what could be causing this? I've confirmed that the program is linked to the correct zlib library, and when I decompress the same reads and run it again it works.


MrOlm commented

I don't think it's a problem with the input file for two reasons:

  • the input file works on my system when uncompressed
  • the input file works on another system I tested when compressed

Any other ideas what could be causing this problem on my machine? As I said I'm able to run SNAP fine on uncompressed files, so I don't think it's a problem with my SNAP installation.

Thanks again,

I have similar issue that happens consistently with precompiled version 1.0beta18 (from your website), but works fine with 1.0beta.23 (shipped through anaconda). Any idea?

This got fixed with updates to deal with new versions of zlib, which have been in the code for a while. I'm closing this now.