
/ Runs depth based imagery on "When in Dome", a geodesic dome filled with LEDs / / Uses Fadecandy and OPC to map ~4300 LEDs / / Uses a Kinect as a depth sensor. The depth camera feed is essentially mapped to colour, and displayed directly over the LEDs. / The colour of each pixel in the depth feed dithers back and forth around it's actual hue, to add a shimmering effect. / When starting the sketch, click to take a background reading, then anything that is closer than that background reading will display, / this means that actual movement stands out, instead of showing the whole globby mass of depthy nonsense. / / There is also a function to reset this background reading every x frames, so if people inside the dome are lying still, / they will not show up - allows for more interaction / / Also has a background animation, the amount of this is inversely mapped to the amount of action happening in the dome, / so if no one is present or they are still, there is a lot of animation. Then it disappears when people move inside.

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