- Implement a model
which computes a linear function of the pixels in the image, followed by log softmax. Run the code by typing:python3 kuzu_main.py --net lin
Copy the final accuracy and confusion matrix into your report. Note that the columns of the confusion matrix indicate the target character, while the rows indicate the one chosen by the network. (0="o", 1="ki", 2="su", 3="tsu", 4="na", 5="ha", 6="ma", 7="ya", 8="re", 9="wo"). More examples of each character can be found here. - Implement a fully connected 2-layer network
, using tanh at the hidden nodes and log softmax at the output node. Run the code by typing:python3 kuzu_main.py --net full
Try different values (multiples of 10) for the number of hidden nodes and try to determine a value that achieves high accuracy on the test set. Copy the final accuracy and confusion matrix into your report. - Implement a convolutional network called
, with two convolutional layers plus one fully connected layer, all using relu activation function, followed by the output layer. You are free to choose for yourself the number and size of the filters, metaparameter values, and whether to use max pooling or a fully convolutional architecture. Run the code by typing:python3 kuzu_main.py --net conv
This project was done as a part of COMP9444 Neural Networks and Deep Learning Course Project.