
A list of tools to extend the .NET Core command line (dotnet)


A list of tool extensions for .NET Core Command Line (dotnet CLI).

DotNet tools (aka global tools)

These tools can be installed by executing

dotnet tool install -g <package id>

Pro-tip: global tools do not need to be named "dotnet-*". This is only a convention used some authors as a way to indicate a package is meant to be a command line tool, and not a normal library reference.

Name Author Description
dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator @aspnet Code generation tool for creating controllers, views, and models in ASP.NET Core projects. NuGet
dotnet-certes @fszlin CLI tool for acquire certificates via the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol (example: LetsEncrypt.org) NuGet
cowsay @isaac2004 CLI Tool that gives a a random blog post from discoverdot.net in cowsay format. NuGet
dotnet-dbinfo @berkid89 A simple cross-platform command-line tool for get useful database information (in json format). NuGet
dotnet-doc @spboyer Search docs.microsoft.com using the command line. NuGet
FlubuCore @FlubuCore Fluent Builder. A cross platform build automation tool for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code. Nuget
git-status-cli @jerriep A simple command-line utility to determine status of all Git repositories in a directory structure. NuGet
github-issues-cli @jerriep A simple command-line client for managing GitHub Issues. NuGet
dotnet-ignore @Arasz Global .NET Core tool that can download .gitignore file from github gitignore repository. NuGet
localappveyor @joaope .NET Core global tool which brings appveyor.yml to the center of your build process by making possible to execute its build jobs, locally.
dotnet-md5 @Rwing Just generate MD5 hash value in CLI. NuGet
nuke @nuke-build Run and setup NUKE builds with a single command on any platform 🚀 NuGet
NuKeeper @AnthonySteele Find outdated NuGet packages and apply updates to them. NuGet
nyancat @nickvdyck Nyancat 😻 in your terminal, rendered through ANSI escape sequences. A port of the orignal terminal application to make this cat run on dotnet core. 🐱‍🏍 Nuget
dotnet-outdated @jerriep A .NET Core global tool to display outdated NuGet packages in a project. NuGet
protogen @mgravell protobuf-net code-generation from .proto schema files
dotnet-reportgenerator @danielpalme ReportGenerator converts XML reports generated by OpenCover, PartCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover or Cobertura into human readable reports in various formats. NuGet
dotnetrsa @stulzq Generate rsa pkcs1, pkcs8, xml format key. Conversion between the three formats. NuGet
dotnet-script @filipw @seesharper Run C# scripts from the .NET CLI. NuGet
dotnet-search @billpratt Search for Nuget packages using the .NET Core CLI. NuGet
dotnet-serve @natemcmaster A simple command line HTTP server, not code required. NuGet
sleet @emgarten A static NuGet feed generator. NuGet
dotnet-sonarscanner @SonarSource The SonarScanner for MSBuild is the recommended way to launch a SonarQube or SonarCloud analysis for projects/solutions using dotnet command as build tool. NuGet
dotnet-sshdeploy @Unosquare A dotnet CLI command that enables quick deployments over SSH. NuGet
srihash-cli @natemcmaster Generates the SRI hash for <script> tags in browsers NuGet
weeknumber @MarkusLund Prints the current weeknumber to the command line. NuGet
dotnet-xdt @nil4 Global tool for applying XML Document Transformations to .NET configuration files, or any other XML-structured content. NuGet
dotnet-xscgen @mganss Generate XmlSerializer compatible C# classes from XML Schema files. NuGet

DotNetCliToolRef tools (aka project-only tools)

These tools can only be installed by adding <DotNetCliToolReference> into your MSBuild project file.


Tools created by companies and organizations.

Name Author Description
dotnet-compile-php iolevel Command line for Peachpie - the PHP Compiler and Runtime for .NET NuGet
dotnet-git-commit-hash bitcraft Co., Ltd. Tool that generates a C# source code file making the latest git commit hash available at runtime. NuGet
dotnet-lambda Amazon Tools to deploy AWS Lambda functions. NuGet
dotnet-ecs Amazon Tools to deploy containers to Amazon Elastic Container Service functions. NuGet
dotnet-eb Amazon Tools to deploy ASP.NET Core apps to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. NuGet
dotnet-nanopack OctopusDeploy A tool to package ASP.NET Core applications into a NanoServer VHD. NuGet
dotnet-proto WhereIsMyTransport A tool to assist with compiling and versioning Google Protobuf schema files. NuGet
dotnet-xunit Xunit A command-line runner for xunit. NuGet

Special mention These tools area available as packages for .NET Core CLI 1.x or 2.0. In the 2.1 CLI, these were made part of the CLI and do not need to be specially installed. See aspnet/Announcements#290.

Name Author Description
dotnet-ef Microsoft Tools for Entity Framework Core NuGet
dotnet-sql-cache Microsoft Initializes a MSSQL database with tables for use with Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.SqlServer. NuGet
dotnet-user-secrets Microsoft Tool for adding, removing and changing user secrets for use with Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets NuGet
dotnet-watch Microsoft A .NET Core file watcher that triggers dotnet commands when a project or its files change NuGet


Tools created by community members.

Name Description
dotnet-autover A tool to auto update build version for your project. NuGet
dotnet-bolt Tools for Bolt, a lean and lightweight WCF alternative library based on ASP.NET Core. NuGet
dotnet-bundle BundlerMinifier.Core let's you configure bundling and minification of JS, CSS and HTML files. NuGet
dotnet-clean DotNet.Cleaner.Tools is a tool for cleaning projects NuGet
dotnet-commands A tool that allows you to use any executable as a .NET CLI Command, with special treatment for .NET Core apps. Follow these instructions to install.
dotnet-dbupdate A tool for managing scripts to backup and update MySQL and MSSQL databases NuGet
dotnet-docxml2md A tool to converter .NET XML documentation into Markdown NuGet
dotnet-fake-cli F# make tool for running build.fsx files. NuGet
dotnet-fb FluentBehave is a simple framework to generate C# code base on Gherkin feature files. NuGet
dotnet-flubu Fluent Builder. A cross platform build automation tool for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code. Nuget
dotnet-fssrgen F# String Response Generator NuGet
dotnet-gen A code generator for dotnet projects NuGet
dotnet-gitversion Uses conventions to derive a SemVer product version from a GitFlow or GitHub based repository. NuGet
dotnet-globwatch GlobWatch is a .NET Core file system watcher that runs commands on changes. NuGet
dotnet-gplex Tools for dotnet core based on Gardens Point LEX version 1.2.2 NuGet
dotnet-gppg Adaptation of Gardens Point Parser Generator version 1.5.2 for dotnet core NuGet
dotnet-imgopt ImageOptimize is a tool for image optimization. NuGet
dotnet-migrate A runner for Fluent Migrator. NuGet
dotnet-mono Run applications targeting .net full framework with mono. NuGet
dotnet-nswag Tools for NSwag, a Swagger 2.0 API for .NET, Web API, TypeScript. NuGet
dotnet-outdated DotNetOutdated is a tool to check for outdated .NET Core dependencies. NuGet
dotnet-project-version ProjectVersioning.DotNet.Cli is a project version generator tool NuGet
dotnet-prop dotnet-cli tool for managing properties in netcore projects based on MSBuild. NuGet
dotnet-publish-ssh DotnetPublishSsh is a a tool to publish your .NET Core application to Linux server via SSH. NuGet
dotnet-swashbuckle Swashbuckle extensions to add examples and security requirements in the generated Swagger file. NuGet
dotnet-tinify A tool for squashing PNG and JPEG files using the TinyPNG API. NuGet
dotnet-transform-xdt XDT (XML Document Transform) publish tool for transforming XML files at publishing time. NuGet
dotnet-tsd Typescript.Definitions.Tools is a helper library to generate typescript definition files and typescript files from c# code. NuGet
dotnet-tt T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) for .NET Core
dotnet-unpkg A tool to install front-end packages from unpkg.com with no need for Node.js/NPM/Yarn/whatever. NuGet
dotnet-web-compile A tool to compile client web files (e.g. SCSS, TS, etc). NuGet


These tools are not yet available on NuGet.org.

Name Description
dotnet-cake A stand-alone .NET Core runner and host for Cake. MyGet gallery
dotnet-st Storyteller is a tool for crafting executable specifications. (Requires manual installation but is available on NuGet).


These are tools that either exists in other ecosystems or are utilities that are in high demand that the community should consider building.

Description node.js version golang version python version other lang
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