
Automatic sparse sampling of 1-D array into linear segments minimizing error

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Automatic sparse sampling of 1-D array into linear segments minimizing error

Install from clone

pip install .

Install from PYPI

pip install linear_segmentation


python -m linear_segmentation.examples.linear_segmentation_with_slider.py


from linear_segmentation import linear_segmentation
from linear_segmentation import refinement  # optional
import scipy.interpolation as spint

x, y = linear_segmentation(data, tol=0.001)  # normalized abs error tolerance
x_refined, y_refined = refinement(data, x)  # optional refinement using least squares
data_interp = spint.interp1d(x_refined, y_refined)  # or x, y
new_y = data_interp(new_x)