
Template C++ library handling dynamic data flow

Primary LanguageC++



How a data flow looks like:

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DynamicFlow is a heavily templatized library for handling data flow programming. Data flow programming refers to the generation and handling of data flow having group of variables connected in a directed acyclic graph. Each node of the network contains a value that is obtained by applying a certain specified function to the values previously computed for to the ancestors nodes. This architecture can be used to model network of variables whose computation absorb a significant amount of time, like rendering engine, machine learning pipeline, long text handling, etc... The shape of the dependencies is exploited in order to enforce lazyness, re-computing the least possible number of nodes, every time that one or more sources of the network are update.

DynamicFlow allows you to create and handle the entities of the network, re-setting at the proper time the sources. Then, you can subsequently update the entire network, re-computing only the nodes that were dependent by the updated sources.



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These are the most notable properties of DynamicFlow:

  • DynamicFlow relies on modern C++ and generic programming to give you a nice interface to generate the nodes that are part of the flow. Indeed, you just need to specify the lambda expression to use every time for generating a new value and the list of ancestors node, see also the Usage Section.

  • DynamicFlow is be completely thread-safe. You can also update a network while adding new sources/nodes. By the way, feel free to report any bug if you discover a strange behaviour ;).

  • More than one thread can be used for updating the entire network. From the outside, only the number of threads to use must be specified.

  • For each node af a network, it is possible to register specific exception type that should be saved if an exception occour while evaluating the lambda expression associated to the node. Later, such exceptions can be rethrowned wihtout losing the exception type. See also the Usage Section.

  • You can export a dat flow network built with DynamicFlow into a:

    • .json file
    • .dot file, which can be rendered for example by making use of Graphviz. The samples inside this repo already do something similar using this Python script.


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You can build a dat flow step by step, defining each sources/nodes. Creating the sources of the networkl can be easily done on this way:

#include <DynamicFlow/flow/Flow.h>
using namespace flw;

// build a new flow
flw::Flow flow;

// define the sources nodes
auto source_1 = flow.makeSource<int>("Source-1");
auto source_2 = flow.makeSource<std::string>("Source-2");

Now you are ready to create the first node:

// define a node obtained by combining the 2 sources
auto node = flow.makeNode<std::string, int, std::string>(
    // here you pass or define the lambda used to combine the values of the
    // ancestors, in order to get the new value to store in the node to
    // create.
    [](const int &source_1, const std::string &source_2) {
      // use sources values to get the new node value
      std::string result = source_2 + std::to_string(source_1);
      return result;
    // label to assing to the node (is actually optional)
    // the ancestors
    source_1, source_2);

You can attach a callback to the node. This callback will be automatically called by the network everytime this node is updated with a new value:

node.onNewValueCallBack([](const std::string &new_value) {
  // do something with new_value.
  // You will get here every time a new value is computed for this node

Every time the value of a generated node is re-computed, the lambda expression passed when creating that node is invoked. Clearly, the execution of that expression may lead to an exception throw. In such cases, no new value is set for the node and the exception throwned is stored in the node and can be re-throwned later. Normally, the exception type would be lost as a generic std::exception is persisted in the node. To overcome this, you can build the node in a slightly different way, in order to tell the flow the kind of custom exceptions to preserve. Suppose you have 2 custom exceptions you don't want to loose that can be throwned:

class CustomException1 : public std::runtime_error {
  CustomException1() : std::runtime_error{"Bla bla"} {};
class CustomException2 : public std::runtime_error {
  CustomException2() : std::runtime_error{"Bla bla"} {};
flow.makeNodeWithMonitoredException<std::string, std::string>(
    [](const std::string &source_2) {
      std::string result;
      // ops ... an exception thrown
      throw CustomException1{};
      return result;
                                  // here you list the exceptions
                                  // for which you don't want to
                                  // loose the type
                                  CustomException1, CustomException2>>(),
    std::nullopt, source_2);

You can then update the sources in order to later recompute the node value:

// update the sources passing their new values. In case of complex
// classes, you can pass the arguments used by one of the constructor.
// this will not automatically update the dependant nodes as this will
// actually happen when updating the flow
// update those nodes in the flow requiring a recomputation

You can also instructs the flow to internally use multiple threads when calling an update of the entire network:

// the next update will be done using 3 threads


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To consume this library you can rely on CMake. More precisely, You can fetch this package and link to the DynamicFlow library:

GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/andreacasalino/DynamicFlow
GIT_TAG        main

and then link to the DynamicFlow library:


By default, only the functionalities to export generated data flow into .dot file are enabled. Instead, convertions to json are not. In order to enable it, you should turn to ON the camke option named DYNAMIC_FLOW_ENABLE_JSON_EXPORT. Notice that such a functionality relies on the well known nlohmann library, which automatically fetched from github for you by CMake.