UIScrollView subclass that allows to add a list of highly customizable tags.
- 1
- 1
How to know didSelcted Index?
#67 opened by Just013 - 0
allow user to attach client data to tags
#48 opened by nsolter - 1
suggest add select delegate
#65 opened by lifengios - 3
support for multiple accessory images
#57 opened by nsolter - 1
No multiline support.If tag's text is longer than AMTagListView, the tag is truncated at the end.
#62 opened by sleepwalkerfx - 4
Setting text with setupText or setTagText (after adding the tag to tag list) changes the size of the tag
#66 opened by bbhagat - 1
How to change AMTagView's height
#64 opened by lifengios - 2
support horizontally scrolling tag list view
#53 opened by nsolter - 4
Question: UITableViewCell
#2 opened by SSA111 - 10
- 12
- 6
- 1
Request Feature
#42 opened by caofei10119 - 1
Border instead of fill?
#50 opened by gmogames - 4
Custom tag view
#60 opened - 5
Height before creating the view
#59 opened by PaulRBerg - 0
setting accessoryImage on an AMTagView and then setting the tag with addTagView truncates the text label on the tag
#56 opened by nsolter - 0
- 1
- 0
tagAlignment center horizontally
#51 opened by AlexNsbmr - 6
Swift 2 / iOS 9 support?
#39 opened by 3webbg - 2
Sending 'int' to parameter of incompatible type 'CGPoint' (aka 'struct CGPoint')
#43 opened by rjpalermo1 - 12
How can I increase the height of each tag view?
#41 opened by goelv - 4
How do I remove the 'tail' part of the AMTagView
#40 opened by goelv - 2
- 5
How to mirror the layout?
#35 opened by mohammad19991 - 1
Typo in README
#36 opened by superarts - 3
- 0
Tests: Unit test
#28 opened by andreamazz - 0
parse issue in AMTagView.h
#30 opened by dreamgo - 1
how to get list of tags on screen ?
#19 opened by bhavya-kothari - 1
Connect it to
#23 opened by lorencogonzaga - 1
Button "Add tag" into AMTagListView
#27 opened by akhatmullin - 2
- 6
Custom cell not selected
#21 opened by malkabani - 2
- 2
Demo App: Tags aren't appearing in TagListView.
#20 opened by bfeher - 1
Limit tags
#18 opened by lorencogonzaga - 2
Swift example?
#17 opened by DirkLXX - 1
- 3
rearrangeTags in layoutSubviews
#14 opened by mythodeia - 3
change tagcolor
#13 opened by mythodeia - 20
White horizontal line in middle of the tag
#8 opened by wimbledon - 5
AMTagListView removeTag problem
#10 opened by etamity - 4
Issue on Rotation : rearrangeTags?
#7 opened by wm-j-ray - 2
AMTagListView's height
#3 opened by catskytw - 5
iOS6 compatibility
#4 opened by alaaghribi - 2
Request Feature
#1 opened by ryanmsusa