
ROSCon DE 2023 talk "Learning Robotics Fundamentals with ROS 2 and modern Gazebo"

Primary LanguagePython

ROSCon DE 2023 talk "Learning Robotics Fundamentals with ROS 2 and modern Gazebo"

Slides available here


  • Follow the official installation instructions at https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html.
  • In the step "Install ROS 2 packages", install the packages ros-humble-desktop and ros-dev-tools.
  • In addition, install the following packages
    sudo apt install \
      python3-colcon-common-extensions \
      ros-humble-ign-ros2-control \
      ros-humble-plotjuggler-ros \
      ros-humble-ros2-control \
      ros-humble-ros2-controllers \
      ros-humble-ros-gz-sim-demos \
      ros-humble-ros-ign-gazebo \
      ros-humble-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller \


  • Start (modern) Gazebo:
    ros2 launch ros_gz_sim gz_sim.launch.py gz_args:="empty.sdf -r"
  • Spawn a simple mobile robot in Gazebo:
    ros2 run ros_gz_sim create -file $(pwd)/vehicle_blue.sdf -z 0.325
  • Create a bridge between ROS and Gazebo:
    ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge \
      '/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel@geometry_msgs/msg/Twist]gz.msgs.Twist' \
  • Start PlotJuggler
    ros2 run plotjuggler plotjuggler
  • Add plots:
    • ROS2 Topic Subscriber -> Select /model/vehicle_blue/pose
    • Drag and drop /model/vehicle_blue/pose/empty/vehicle_blue/translation/x from Timeseries List to the plot area
    • Split the plot vertical twice
    • Add Custom Series -> Input timeseries: Same x as above; Function library: backward_difference_derivative; New name: v; Create New Timeseries
    • Drag and drop v from Custom Series to the middle plot and to the bottom plot
    • Apply filter to data on the bottom plot -> Derivative
    • Now the top plot shows the position x, the middle plot shows the velocity v, and the bottom plot shows the acceleration a.
  • Command the mobile robot to move forward:
    ros2 topic pub --once /model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist '
      x: 0.1
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.0
      x: 0.0
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.0'


  • Start Gazebo:
    ros2 launch ros_gz_sim gz_sim.launch.py gz_args:="$(pwd)/falling_world.sdf"
  • Create ROS-Gazebo bridge:
    ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge '/model/sphere/pose@tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage[gz.msgs.Pose_V'
  • Record pose of falling sphere:
    ros2 bag record /model/sphere/pose
  • Unpause Gazebo
  • Wait for sphere to hit the ground. Stop recording.
  • Open bag file in PlotJuggler


  • Start Gazebo:
    ros2 launch ros_gz_sim gz_sim.launch.py gz_args:="$(pwd)/slippery_slope.sdf"
  • Create ROS-Gazebo bridge:
    ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge \
      '/model/sphere/pose@tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage[gz.msgs.Pose_V' \
  • Record pose of falling sphere:
    ros2 bag record /model/sphere/pose /model/cylinder/pose
  • Unpause Gazebo
  • Wait for both objects to have rolled down the inclined plane. Stop recording.
  • Open bag file in PlotJuggler


  • Start Gazebo:
    ros2 launch ros_gz_sim gz_sim.launch.py gz_args:="$(pwd)/stiff_one_armed_bandit.sdf"
  • Create ROS-Gazebo bridge:
    ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge \
      '/world/stiff_one_armed_bandit/model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint_state@sensor_msgs/msg/JointState[gz.msgs.Model' \
      '/model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint/upper_joint/cmd_force@std_msgs/msg/Float64]gz.msgs.Double' \
  • Unpause Gazebo
  • Add /world/stiff_one_armed_bandit/model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint_state/lower_joint/position to PlotJuggler
  • Add /model/double_pendulum_with_base/pose/double_pendulum_with_base/double_pendulum_with_base/lower_link/translation/y and z as XY plot to PlotJuggler


  • Start Gazebo:
    ros2 launch ros_gz_sim gz_sim.launch.py gz_args:="$(pwd)/damped_stiff_one_armed_bandit.sdf -r"
  • Create ROS-Gazebo bridge:
    ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge \
      '/world/damped_stiff_one_armed_bandit/model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint_state@sensor_msgs/msg/JointState[gz.msgs.Model' \
      '/model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint/upper_joint/cmd_force@std_msgs/msg/Float64]gz.msgs.Double' \
  • Setup plots in PlotJuggler, similar to R1.
  • Set torque on upper_joint:
    ros2 topic pub --once /model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint/upper_joint/cmd_force std_msgs/msg/Float64 'data: 3.0'
    sleep 3
    ros2 topic pub --once /model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint/upper_joint/cmd_force std_msgs/msg/Float64 'data: 0.0'
  • Set friction coefficient of the upper_joint to zero and set the damping coefficient to 0.5:
    <joint name="upper_joint" type="revolute">
        <xyz>1.0 0 0</xyz>
          <!-- <friction>1.0</friction> -->
  • Restart Gazebo and repeat the torque command. Observe the difference in the plots.


  • Start Gazebo:
    ros2 launch ros_gz_sim gz_sim.launch.py gz_args:="$(pwd)/damped_stiff_one_armed_bandit.sdf -r"
  • Create ROS-Gazebo bridge:
    ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge \
      '/world/one_armed_bandit/model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint_state@sensor_msgs/msg/JointState[gz.msgs.Model' \
      '/model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint/upper_joint/cmd_force@std_msgs/msg/Float64]gz.msgs.Double' \
      '/model/double_pendulum_with_base/pose@tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage[gz.msgs.Pose_V' \
  • Setup plots in PlotJuggler, similar to R1.
  • Set torque on upper_joint:
    ros2 topic pub --once /model/double_pendulum_with_base/joint/upper_joint/cmd_force std_msgs/msg/Float64 'data: 50.0'
  • Set joint position on lower_joint:
    ros2 topic pub --once /joint_lower_joint_cmd_pos std_msgs/msg/Float64 'data: 0.0'
  • Change the joint position of lower_joint and observe the resulting settling position of the pendulum.
  • You can also vary the lower_joint position more continuously:
    for q in $(seq 0 0.1 6.28); do
      ros2 topic pub --once /joint_lower_joint_cmd_pos std_msgs/msg/Float64 "data: ${q}"


  • Start Gazebo along with a simulated UR5e robot:
    ros2 launch ur_simulation_ignition ur_sim_control.launch.py
  • Plot the robot's joint efforts via the /joint_states topic.
  • Command trajectories to the simulated robot:
    ros2 launch ur_bringup test_joint_trajectory_controller.launch.py