A path tracer made using OpenGL with decent UI. This path tracing works with non-polygon graphics, which means that all distance calculations are based on the position and direction of the ray.
- 3 different types of object - Cube, Sphere and Plane
- 3 types of materials - Rougth - Metalic, Lens, Light source (emissive material)
- Depth Of Field effect
- Accumulation of previous frames to denoise the image
- You can load any images you want for the skybox (.png or .hdr)
- W, A, S, D, left Shift and Space - Move the camera
- Mouse - Rotate the camera
- E - Disable or Enable the camera movement
- R - Disable or Enable the Render mode
- F - Hide or Display the User Interface
- T - Make a screenshot of the scene
Useful links that helped me with this project
- Ray-Surface intersection functions https://iquilezles.org/articles/intersectors/
- Cool article about path tracing https://blog.demofox.org/2016/09/21/path-tracing-getting-started-with-diffuse-and-emissive/
- And one more https://blog.demofox.org/2017/01/09/raytracing-reflection-refraction-fresnel-total-internal-reflection-and-beers-law/
Things to work on
- In real life, materials like lenses (glass) tend to absorb a portion of light when the ray goes through them. The amount of light absorbed by the lens is proportional to the distance traveled, and that is called the Beer's law. In my path tracer, I haven't implemented this yes, but when I get a chance I will