
v3.1.0 release summary

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This release introduces the ability to drill down into a game and view its description. If you have enabled authentication via environment parameters, the game details will also show a button allowing you to activate the game on a given platform. Activating a game will publish a message to MQTT that can be handled by external consumers. One use case for this feature could be as follows:

  1. Activate a game, publishing a MQTT message.
  2. MQTT message is received by Home Assistant and triggers an automation.
  3. Automation reads the platform from the message to start the desired platform via Home Assistant.
  4. If the platform is for PC, then the Home Assistant automation can start the desired game via the message's game's ID (Playnite ID). This can happen by remotely starting Playnite from a shell command and providing the game's ID as a CLI parameter.

Of course, what you do with the MQTT message is up to you!