Structure to help you store, represent and operate on very big numbers in Unity.

Primary LanguageC#

Big F_____ Number

Structure to help you store, represent and operate on very big numbers in Unity. This one separates coefficient from it's exponent (and prefers engineering notation at that).

Define "big numbers"

It's a Double with auxiliary Int64 exponent.

BFN.MaxValue = Double.MaxValue * Math.Pow( 10d , Int64.MaxValue );// +1.7976931348623157 E+9223372036854776115
BFN.MinValue = Double.MinValue * Math.Pow( 10d , Int64.MinValue );// -1.7976931348623157 E-9223372036854775500

These numbers are large enough to make most software refuse to calculate them and just print "infinity" or "invalid input".


Coefficient is a Double so this is a lossy format. If you need lossless data type then you probably may want to go with System.Numerics.BigInteger.

Can I see it in the Inspector window serialized there?


using UnityEngine;
public class BFN_ExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
	[SerializeField] BFN _myBigNumber = new BFN( 11.2423085208 , 21 );
	void Start ()
		Debug.Log($"my number is: {_myBigNumber}");

Will produce this Inpector view:


"▼" button will help you simplify numbers for shorter notation ({ num=5000 , e=0 } -> { num=5 , e=3 }). Although coefficient will become longer sometimes because BFN prefers engineering notation ( { num=1 , e=5 } -> { num=100 , e=3 }).

  • "F_____" stands for "double-precision floating-point"