
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A basic state machine for programmers to prototype Unity AI nav agents in C#.

Goal of this repo is to make fsm-based ai creation processs relatively easy and quick so it can be used to prototype ai behaviours.


Samples to show you how to use Simpletons:

Zombies and survivors following/avoiding each other


pedestrians moving across the street and reacting to traffic lights


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Key implementation points:

  • MonoBehaviour updates it's state machine ai brain by calling Tick(time) method
public class WalkerController : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] WalkerAI _brain = new WalkerAI( owner:this );
    void FixedUpdate ()
        _brain.Tick( time:Time.time );
  • custom SimpletonStateMachine is a place where you design your fsm ai
public WalkerAI ( WalkerController owner )
    _owner = owner;

    // create states:
    var start   = new WalkerIdleState( _owner );
    var idle    = new WalkerIdleState( _owner );
    var wander  = new WalkerWanderState( _owner );
    var agro    = new WalkerAgroState( _owner );
    var attack  = new WalkerAttackState( _owner );
    var dead    = new WalkerDeadState( _owner );

    // create transitions:
    SimpletonStateTransition start_to_idle, idle_to_wander, wander_to_idle, any_to_agro, agro_to_idle, agro_to_attack, attack_to_agro, any_to_dead;
    start_to_idle = new SimpletonStateTransition(
        predicate:      (state,time) => true ,
        destination:    idle ,
        label:          nameof(start_to_idle)
    idle_to_wander = new SimpletonStateTransition(
        predicate:      (state,time) => Random.Range(1,6)==1 ,// 20% chance
        destination:    wander ,
        label:          nameof(idle_to_wander)
    wander_to_idle = new SimpletonStateTransition(
        predicate:      (state,time) => state.completed || time>state.timeExpectedEnd || _owner.navMeshAgent.remainingDistance<1f ,
        destination:    idle ,
        label:          nameof(wander_to_idle)
    any_to_agro = new SimpletonStateTransition(
        predicate:      (state,time) => _owner.survivorsAround.Count!=0 ,
        destination:    agro ,
        label:          nameof(any_to_agro)
    any_to_dead = new SimpletonStateTransition(
        predicate:      (state,time) => _owner.Health<=0 ,
        destination:    idle ,
        label:          nameof(any_to_dead)
    /* more transition definitions */

    // assign transitions to states:
    start.transitions = new SimpletonStateTransition[]{
    idle.transitions = new SimpletonStateTransition[]{
        any_to_dead ,
        idle_to_wander ,
        any_to_agro ,
    /* more transitions assigned to states */

    // assign initial state
    _initial = start;

To help you understand and debug it, Simpletons come with an inspector window:


Open Package Manager->Add package from git URL:


Add this line to the dependencies in manifest.json:

"dependencies": {
    "com.andrewraphaellukasik.simpletons": "https://github.com/andrew-raphael-lukasik/Simpletons.git#upm",

Games that use this package: