
Intermediary types that implicitly cast ONLY to/from strict equivalents; no more surprise <int> to <float4> implicit casts

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// Let's play a game. Guess which overload is going to be called here:
class Example
    public void Houston ()
        WeHaveAProblem( 10 , 20.7f , int3.zero ); //COMPILER: This is fine.
        WeHaveAProblem( int3.zero , int3.zero , 20f ); //COMPILER: This is fine.
    void WeHaveAProblem ( float3 arg0 , float3 arg1 , float3 arg2 ) {}
    void WeHaveAProblem ( int3 arg0 , int3 arg1 , int3 arg2 ) {}
// TL;DR: Good luck with that.


Create intermediary types that implicitly cast ONLY to/from strict equivalents. Use them as method parameters.

class Example
    void Houston ()
        EagleHasLanded( 10 , 20.7f , int3.zero ); //COMPILER: "cannot convert from int to FLOAT3"
        EagleHasLanded( float3.zero , Vector3.zero , float3.zero );// OK
        EagleHasLanded( int3.zero , int3.zero , Vector3Int.zero );// OK
    void EagleHasLanded ( FLOAT3 arg0 , FLOAT3 arg1 , FLOAT3 arg2 ) {}
    void EagleHasLanded ( INT3 arg0 , INT3 arg1 , INT3 arg2 ) {}