
How do you do this on a group-level?

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Hello Dr. Jahn,

thank you very much for this helpful and concise explanation of PPI! I could follow it very easily and feel that I have now a better grasp of what PPI actually does and how to use it.
My question, however, is the following: How do you use it on a group level? As far as I understood it, you only used the scans of one person and extracted the VOI of the same person. In my research, I would like to do a PPI analysis over one group of persons and additionally compare to groups in respect to their PPI. How would I do that? Could you maybe point me to an explanation of this point?

I hope I don't steal your time with this question, feel free not to answer if you feel that you don't want to.

Best wishes,
Joscha Böhnlein

Hi Joscha,

You can do this by combining the individual PPI images into a second-level analysis, or doing an ROI analysis over all of the subjects; the PPI maps are beta values that can be analyzed just like parameter estimates from an fMRI study.

If you want to discuss this more, feel free to drop me a line at; I don't check my github that often.
