- 2
CMAKE toolchain file
#494 opened by rickomax - 1
How to start an emulator for android app Espresso UI Testing in Windows environment?
#483 opened by yong2khoo-lm - 3
Become GitHub partner organization to receive verified badge on the Marketplace
#415 opened by shyamkumarm-ctct - 1
Can't we have caching capabilities here?
#460 opened by mohn93 - 1
Access build-tools
#461 opened by khamaileon - 5
UnsupportedClassVersionError: AndroidLocationsProvider (class file version 55.0)
#378 opened by TWiStErRob - 13
Has this been tried on arm64 runners?
#283 opened by pbrewer-ifit - 3
Error installing 'patcher;v4
#425 opened by PauloGrijp - 10
Feature Request: Specify SDK Version
#192 opened by wSedlacek - 3
Build with ndk
#67 opened by SimonIT - 11
Missing versions on GitHub marketplace
#395 opened by TWiStErRob - 2
Sporadic Failures
#265 opened by sdoward - 3
SDK location not found
#362 opened by lukasz-kalnik-gcx - 5
Build failed when i use target sdk 31
#233 opened by syntaxxxxx - 2
Quoting the license text in CI logs
#384 opened by tplive - 4
Setup Android SDK fails
#392 opened by ash-wtag - 2
- 4
- 9
Expand-Archive Fails
#369 opened by AceCoderLaura - 2
Error on Expand
#305 opened by joeserhtf - 11
Deprecated GitHub actions usage
#355 opened by TWiStErRob - 0
#324 opened by Gatito1010 - 0
#325 opened by Gatito1010 - 2
No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: arm-linux-androideabi
#282 opened by rmagomeromdlive - 0
Helpful hints please
#295 opened by mental-cloud - 0
Watch "Hands-on with EVERY new Android 12 function and feature!" on YouTube
#293 opened by mental-cloud - 0
Help anyone?
#294 opened by mental-cloud - 1
Next Example notebooks — Bach documentation
#289 opened by mental-cloud - 0
Change Messages notifications & settings
#266 opened by mental-cloud - 1
#247 opened by mental-cloud - 1
This can't be normal
#246 opened by mental-cloud - 5
Tear Down Action
#193 opened by wSedlacek - 2
Question: Why this action needed?
#103 opened by rchampa - 4
- 19
Action Failed
#108 opened by AceCoderLaura - 1
Output for install location
#107 opened by ChildishGiant - 1
sdkmanager installed to cmdline-tools/bin
#63 opened by chris-prop - 4
Warning on set-env depreciation
#49 opened by Denubis