Mac Downloads

MacOS X Software

Browser (Chrome) Extensions

  • StayFocused (block websites, +/- after a specified amount of time)
  • Kill News Feed (this helped me use FB much less)
  • Momentum
  • Pinboard App
  • Ghostery
  • AdBlock
  • 1Password (stores and generates random usernames/passwords)
  • Readline (for RSVP; "Select Text + Spacebar starts Readline"; WPM = 300)

Mac Configurations


  • Change the keyboard repeat rate to max, and the delay until repeat to the shortest possible.
  • Remap the caps lock key to control.
  • Add the Greek keyboard symbols (this is essential if you work in the science field and have to write symbols like ε and Δ all the time) and the Spanish keyboard symbols


  • Run the following in a terminal to show dotfiles by default:
  • defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
  • Then refresh the finder by clicking alt/option + right click on the dock item -> Relaunch

iTerm2 Terminal

  • Profile: UnderTheSea


  • Run the following in a terminal to disable the default TextEdit rulers:
  • defaults write RichText -int 0

R Profile

  • copy/paste this to "/Users/$login_name"
  • library(colorout) to make life more fun
  • library(BiocInstaller) to save time installing BioConductor packages
  • I use stringAsFactors = FALSE; although, this has gotten me a few times when running my scripts places other than my own PC, so be careful.
  • lsp($package) function to quickly view all of the available functions in a package


  • Install shell commands


ssh config

Bot running

  • To run a bot on a server that you're not logged into, use something like: screen -S $name_of_screen python3.6 $ ctrl-a d (to exit screen) screen -r (to return to screen)



  • Anki
  • Pomodoro (I usually set to 45 mins on; 15 mins off)
  • SimplyNoise (brown noise as a sleep aid in noisy environments)
  • Fitbit
  • Spotify
  • DarkSky


  • Set to greyscale by going to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Display Accommodations -> Color Filters -> Greyscale (to make it slightly less addictive)
  • If wasting time on a website/set of websites, mark them as "Adult Sites" to block them in Settings -> General -> Restrictions -> Websites -> Limit Adult Content -> Never Allow (add URLs here)

Quantified Self

Daily LifeStats on Google Sheets