
Personal Webpage

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Personal Website of Animesh Garg.

Based on Al-folio template.

How to run:

  1. Open shell and cd to the github repo clone.
  2. (for the first time) chmod a+x local_test deploy
  3. ./local_test #for testing locally
  4. ./deploy #for deployment on github make sure to edit the deploy file.

(optiona) bundle exec jekyll clearn && bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --incremental
This will fire up a local server and you may check if your website works.
--watch allows you to change files without recompiling

Reference Docs:

Comprehensive guide to Jekyll: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/home/
Liquid Tags Cheatsheet: http://cheat.markdunkley.com/
Kramdown - http://kramdown.gettalong.org/syntax.html (Preferred)
Markdown Syntax: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
Textile Documentation: http://txstyle.org/ Fonts: https://edgewebfonts.adobe.com/index Check Fonts on a webpage - http://fount.artequalswork.com/
jekyll scholar and github actions: https://martinopilia.com/posts/2020/02/22/migration.html