A simple bot that tracks a list of items on amazon.com. When one of the items is below the desired price, it sends an email to a given google email address.
- bs4
- json
- smtplib
- requests
- time
- A Gmail account
- Modify "config.json" file with your credentials.
- Headers can be obtained by searching them in a search engine.
- Use two factors authentification. This will allow you to use a dedicated password generated by google.
- Add items to the track list in "items_list.json"
Note: Amazon websites don't work the same way. You have to check what requests
The bot can run in background and can be daemonised while occupying minimum ram usage (38 MB on Win10). It can run for a number of days or indefinitly (if so, you will have kill it manually).
Dev Ed's video inspired me to do this.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details