Anki deck for the words of the Duolingo course "Chinese for English speakers"
- AdrielleKiz
- anishcr
- bananaware-was-taken
- cbrueggCARIAD SE, A Volkswagen Group Company
- chrisgschonLondon
- clhamBoston
- devermanSingapore
- dmitryshostakMemocity
- DustinAlandzes@DrChrono
- EJSohn@sendbird
- hanneslsmWorldwide (Currently Germany)
- hwiornSouth Korea
- ItsMeijers@Pureblocks
- jayfiro
- jimmy-manolo
- johnmcombs
- jschuur@PlanetPlay-Global
- leonfox1
- ltrooney
- m516Iowa State University
- matthewmorroneHarrisburg, PA
- mhlinder
- michaelsaxonCalifornia/Arizona
- mphasak
- MtDersvan
- nbboydky
- nicolas-raoulGoogle
- nonkung51Bangkok, Thailand
- OliviafxIthaca, New York
- shellitrungMelbourne (AU), New York (US)
- shooleyBoston,MA
- stofiPrague, Czech Republic
- thanhnhat21
- tradingbase
- will-crawford
- xiaolinked