Copyright 2016 LAAS-CNRS
Author: Anna Seppala
HPP - INTERSECT is a library that implements intersection computation between fcl collision obstacles.
##Installation on ubuntu-14.04 64 bit with ros-indigo
To install HPP - INTERSECT, you will need to install one other package of the Humanoid Path Planner software with its respective dependecies. Please see the instructions below for the full installation of HPP - INTERSECT:
Install HPP - FCL (make sure you are on branch "intersect" in the repository) - see
Install Eigen 3 - see
Clone the HPP - INTERSECT repository onto your local computer and update the submodule:
git clone cd $HPP_INTERSECT_DIR/ git submodule update --init --recursive
Use CMake to install the HPP - INTERSECT library. For instance:
mkdir build cd build cmake .. make install
Open $DEVEL_DIR/install/share/doc/hpp-intersect/doxygen-html/index.html in a web brower and you will have access to the code documentation.