Zephyr First Stage Boot Loader (FSBL) for HiFive Unmatched

Copyright (c) 2023 Antmicro

This application is an FSBL for booting Linux on the HiFive Unmatched board.

Boot stages:

  1. Zephyr FSBL
    • loads OpenSBI, the Linux kernel, and the device tree at specific addresses in memory
    • prepares structure read by OpenSBI
  2. OpenSBI (dynamic target)
    • prepares the SBI interface and jumps to Linux
  3. Linux


Setup Python dependencies for the project:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install Zephyr dependencies:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y git cmake ninja-build gperf ccache dfu-util device-tree-compiler wget \
                   python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel xz-utils \
                   file make gcc gcc-multilib g++-multilib libsdl2-dev libmagic1 curl

Setup Zephyr SDK:

mkdir -p zephyr-sdk
pushd zephyr-sdk
curl -kL https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.1/zephyr-sdk-0.16.1_linux-x86_64.tar.xz | tar xJ --strip 1
./setup.sh -t all -h -c

Repository initialization

To build the project or work on it, clone the repository and initialize it:

west init -l fsbl-app
west update
python3 -m pip install -r zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt

Building the binary

To build the binary, run the west build command:

west build -b hifive_unmatched fsbl-app

You can find the produced binary at build/zephyr/zephyr.bin.

Demo setup

To run the demo, you will also need to build the following:

  • Linux kernel
  • Devicetree
  • OpenSBI
  • Rootfs (It will be embedded into the Linux kernel image)

All of them are prepared in buildroot, a tool that generates embedded Linux systems. You can set it up as follows:

  1. Install buildroot dependencies (see https://buildroot.org/downloads/manual/manual.html#requirement):
apt-get update
apt-get install -y git sed make binutils build-essential diffutils gcc g++ bash patch gzip bzip2 \
                   perl tar cpio unzip rsync file bc findutils python3 wget
  1. Clone the buildroot repository with tag 2023.02:
git clone --depth 1 git://git.buildroot.net/buildroot -b 2023.02
  1. Configure and start building images:
pushd buildroot
make BR2_EXTERNAL=../buildroot-cfg/ fsbl_defconfig

The produced binaries will be stored in the buildroot/output/images directory.

SD card setup

To run the demo on HiFive Unmatched the SD card has to be carefully prepared. The ZSBL (Zeroth Stage Bootloader) contained in ROM is responsible for loading FSBL into L2 LIM. It searches for it on a partition with GUID type 5B193300-FC78-40CD-8002-E86C45580B47. The whole partition is loaded into memory and then ZSBL jumps into it.

The FSBL expects the partition with ext2 file system at sector 2082. It searches for files which are then loaded into main memory at specific offsets.

NOTE: This guide assumes that the SD card is visible as /dev/sdc. Before running these commands, verify the path to the SD card on your PC and change /dev/sdc accordingly.

  1. Prepare partitions on the SD card

    • clear the card and create partitions for FSBL and ext2 file system:
    sudo sgdisk -g --clear -a 1 \
      --new=1:34:2081    --change-name=1:fsbl --typecode=1:5B193300-FC78-40CD-8002-E86C45580B47 \
      --new=2:2082:+127M --change-name=2:boot --typecode=2:0x8300 \
    • format the partition to the ext2 file system
    sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdc2 -b 4K -I 128 -O ^ext_attr,^resize_inode,^dir_index,^sparse_super,^large_file
  2. Write the FSBL binary to the SD card

    sudo dd if=zephyr.bin of=/dev/sdc seek=34
  3. Copy files that will be loaded by the FSBL

    • opensbi.bin -- OpenSBI binary
    • hifive-unmatched-a00.dtb -- device tree blob
    • Image -- Linux kernel image (uncompressed)
    mkdir mnt
    sudo mount /dev/sdc2 mnt
    sudo cp path/to/fw_dynamic.bin mnt/opensbi.bin
    sudo cp path/to/dtb mnt/hifive-unmatched-a00.dtb
    sudo cp path/to/Image mnt/Image
    sudo umount mnt

Additional resources