
Using reinforcement learning to minimize fuel consuption when landing a rover on Mars

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mars Lander with Reinforcement Learning

Environment for landing a rover on Mars.


Read the game instructions on CodinGame.

A complete write-up of this project is available on my blog: antoinebrl.github.io/blog/rl-mars-lander/


Play the game yourself

You think the game is easy? Try it yourself!

python play.py

At each step, the program is expected two values separated by a space:

  • the change in rotation as an integer between -15 and 15
  • the change in thrust can take value -1, 0 and 1

A valid input would be 12 1.

Visualize environment

The command below will open a graphical window. It might not work if you use a remote device or an online notebook (Google Colab, etc). The agent will take random action.

PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd) python lander/environment.py

Visualize a trained agent

Once you have trained an agent you can see how it behaves.

python enjoy.py logs/20220203-015918


Use the command below to generate a self-contained code made of pure python and numpy. This is key to submit a solution to CodinGame. The generated code will be placed under exported/.

python export.py logs/20220203-015918


This is the command used to launch a training:

python train.py -params n_steps:8192 max_grad_norm:0.2 ent_coef:0.0005 vf_coef:0.25 gamma:0.995 policy_kwargs:"dict(log_std_init=-2, ortho_init=False, activation_fn=torch.nn.ReLU, net_arch=[dict(pi=[128, 128], vf=[128, 128])])" learning_rate:0.000005 use_sde:1 sde_sample_freq:4 --steps 100000000 --output logs


  • Coding style:
    pip install pre-commit
    pre-commit install
  • Run tests:
    python -m unittest discover --pattern "*test.py"