AngularJS directive that simulates the effect of typing on a text editor
- 4
#15 opened by fstodulski - 0
Development workflow
#16 opened by WandersonAlves - 2
Npm support.
#12 opened by sebastiendan - 2
End of typing event
#13 opened by carnivash - 2
input type="text" ?
#14 opened by n3tx - 3
Circle 'text' array
#10 opened by WandersonAlves - 3
Cursor blink doesn't work
#9 opened by FindBoat - 5
bower dependency on angular ~1.2.0
#4 opened by geyang - 2
minified demo
#8 opened by temp3l - 3
How to make loop/clear
#3 opened by Arth95 - 0
Directive doesn't work with input element
#6 opened by jdelibas - 1
Website leads to malware
#5 opened by mderoche - 4
Use typewrite with Angular translate
#2 opened by nilsi - 2
Loop like Typed.js
#1 opened by lawnzapper