- 4
[feature request] arrow navigation and auto cd
#158 opened by superuser7777 - 1
Feature request: flag to enable hiding hidden files
#143 opened by amagnolo - 4
Can i open with specific application each file types?
#155 opened by kwagi - 1
[Feature request] Show sequence number in front of each file/dir name + shortcut to jump by the number
#157 opened by linhx - 4
Ordering of files/folders
#101 opened by dylandhall - 3
Syntax highlighting in preview mode
#154 opened by danisvaliev001 - 1
Exit with cd doesn't work
#153 opened by danisvaliev001 - 2
- 3
Nonexist start path listing and empty directory previewing both lead to panic, version v1.9.0
#142 opened by rustyhu - 2
Double D to delete is dangerous.
#149 opened by lvergergsk - 0
- 7
Why the searchMode will quit automatically after delay of 2 seconds? I think this is not convenient for users
#137 opened by rustyhu - 0
Doesn't handle trailing slashes correctly
#131 opened by Gooberpatrol66 - 2
Walk rendering issue within tmux on WSL Ubuntu
#136 opened by jp-mango - 0
Doesn't set `$pwd` properly on Windows
#134 opened by brian6932 - 6
Package not found for Arch Linux
#123 opened by sathishmanohar - 2
Can Image Preview be tweaked by user?
#127 opened by dedguy21 - 7
- 1
Include all keyboard controls in README
#120 opened by wong-justin - 10
Can't open files in vim
#68 opened by PavlosCh - 1
Type Ahead file/folder selection
#118 opened by unikzforce - 4
command not found: walk
#115 opened by bilalbayasut - 0
--version shouldn't return a rc 1
#112 opened by DucretJe - 11
New name for llama
#81 opened by antonmedv - 1
[Usage] For a more concise error log
#111 opened by hyunsooda - 2
How to preview image?
#107 opened by ChangheeOh - 2
Winget package?
#103 opened by murmelbahn - 0
Weird permission denied entering /mnt
#104 opened by gcmoreira - 3
quit by "q" key
#105 opened by johndo100 - 1
Creating a file
#102 opened by holly4legs - 2
snap install on ARM installs wrong binary
#52 opened by blackjack75 - 1
brew install fail
#98 opened by venil7 - 1
Install Nerd Fonts?
#95 opened by j450h1 - 0
Feature request: yank
#96 opened by kattouf - 2
Command-line argument to start in search mode
#82 opened by oli-g-sk - 2
bashrc rename `ll` -> `walk`
#88 opened by budRich - 5
- 0
Compatibility with Starship
#80 opened by fleimgruber - 3
Is this possible to add some my key bindings? "q" for quit, "r" for rename.
#51 opened by ProgrammingLife - 3
Better serach
#55 opened by majkinetor - 2
- 1
Icons are not correct
#91 opened by RaWolFoX - 1
- 2
- 2
Add ability to show icons
#66 opened by dlvhdr - 5
Preview mode trims off file content in view
#78 opened by iddev5 - 2
Command line option: "--icons" crashes
#85 opened by ProgrammingLife - 0
Getting a "permission denied" error when trying to enter hidden directory on Kubuntu 22.04.1
#70 opened by HuoKnight - 0
VSCode as EDITOR doesnt seem to work
#48 opened by fosron - 2
"dd" for delete not working?
#49 opened by iamzenninja