
Raku package for the computation of various distance functions.

Primary LanguageRakuArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


Raku package with a collection of mathematical distance functions and a corresponding role.

The content of this package was "factored out" from "ML::Clustering", [AAp1].


From Zef ecosystem:

zef install Math::DistanceFunctions

From GitHub:

zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-Math-DistanceFunctions.git

Usage examples

use Math::DistanceFunctions;

my @v1 = 10.rand xx 10;
my @v2 = 2.rand xx 10;

my @funcs = [

for @funcs -> $p {
    say "{$p.key} : {$p.value.(@v1, @v2)}";
# bray-curtis-distance : 0.6620715337403009
# canberra-distance : 6.0273513448541465
# chessboard-distance : 7.627382066931661
# cosine-distance : 0.25766397325924495
# euclidean-distance : 15.42933519068569
# hamming-distance : 10
# manhattan-distance : 39.91889505299974
# squared-euclidean-distance : 238.0643844265318


[AAp1] Anton Antonov, ML:Clustering Raku package, (2022), GitHub/antononcube.