
Main repository for mujoco ros.

Primary LanguageC


Simple connect between mujoco with ros.

Mujoco sends joint and sensor data via rostopic, and receives torque or position command data via rostopic.

mujoco is based on 2.1 // Mujoco is free now!

position/torque command available

※ubuntu 18.04 is recommended since graphical issue at 16.04


clone this git to your_catkin_ws/src, then compile with catkin_make

with tocabi_ecat package, mujoco can send status , receive commands via shared memory

how to start

you can test mujoco_ros_sim with dyros_red or dyros_jet



  • /mujoco_ros_interface/sim_command_sim2con <std_msgs::String> : simulator <-> controller connector
  • /mujoco_ros_interface/joint_states <sensor_msgs::JointState> : publish joint states(d->qpos, d->qvel, d->qacc)
  • /mujoco_ros_interface/sensor_states <mujoco_ros_msgs::SensorState> : publish sensor states
  • /mujoco_ros_interface/sim_time <std_msgs::Float32> : publish simulation time


  • /mujoco_ros_interface/sim_command_con2sim <std_msgs::String> : simulator <-> controller connector
  • /mujoco_ros_interface/joint_set <mujoco_ros_msgs::JointSet> : position/torque command from controller

How to Apply External Force

  • /mujoco_ros_interface/applied_ext_force <mujoco_ros_msgs::applyforce> : simulator <-> controller connector.
  • mujoco_ros_msgs::applyforce : link index, force(3), torque(3) command from controller. Modify the controller to recognize applyforce.msg, and configure the publisher to publish as shown below.
#define DEG2RAD (0.01745329251994329576923690768489)

ros::Publisher mujoco_ext_force_apply_pub;
mujoco_ext_force_apply_pub = nh_.advertise<mujoco_ros_msgs::applyforce>("/mujoco_ros_interface/applied_ext_force", 10);
mujoco_ros_msgs::applyforce mujoco_applied_ext_force_;

double force_temp_ = 100, theta_temp_ = 0; //100 N, 0 degree

if (tick >= 0 && tick < 2000) // (Example) in 2000hz loop, apply force for 1 second.
  mujoco_applied_ext_force_.wrench.force.x = force_temp_*sin(theta_temp_*DEG2RAD); //x-axis linear force
  mujoco_applied_ext_force_.wrench.force.y = -force_temp_*cos(theta_temp_*DEG2RAD); //y-axis linear force  
  mujoco_applied_ext_force_.wrench.force.z = 0.0; //z-axis linear force
  mujoco_applied_ext_force_.wrench.torque.x = 0.0; //x-axis angular moment
  mujoco_applied_ext_force_.wrench.torque.y = 0.0; //y-axis angular moment
  mujoco_applied_ext_force_.wrench.torque.z = 0.0; //z-axis angular moment
  mujoco_applied_ext_force_.link_idx = 1; //link idx; 1:pelvis