

~~Do check on the robot with out any end-effector ! ~~


- Do only with the manipulability !

- Do check the value of wrench uncertainity.

  • Do with the full opti function

~~- record rosbag for ext torques ~~

  • compute covariance matrix !

  • re-implement and check !

Tried to check tau_cmd - tau_ext --- Nothing found coz both are equal and opposite in every condition.

Just check how much torque is off !

Done and Working:

force_estimator node working, : 
    Computes Wrenches wrt base ! using RBDyn library (for jacobian) and using commanded torques (simulation)

Cubic_p2p.py Node working: Verified in Gazebo! 
    Computes cubic trajectory (q(t)) for the PositionController mode of the robot. 

    Computed trapezoidal trajectory. CURRENTLY COMPUTING WRONG! 
    Moveit needs to launch that uses PositionTrajectoryController mode. This node is also initiated using a launch file, that should be defined in the launch folder. (Launch after moveit launch!)


optimize_test_no_file_sim/real :   there is a change in `cartesian_damping_factors` and `cartesian_damping` between real and sim. 
similarly: for nullspace