
Make machine learning simpler with Galaxy

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Galaxy-ML is a web machine learning end-to-end pipeline building framework, with special support to biomedical data. Under the management of unified scikit-learn APIs, cutting-edge machine learning libraries are combined together to provide thousands of different pipelines suitable for various needs. In the form of Galalxy tools, Galaxy-ML provides scalabe, reproducible and transparent machine learning computations.

Key features

  • simple web UI
  • no coding or minimum coding requirement
  • fast model deployment and model selection, specialized in hyperparameter tuning using GridSearchCV
  • high level of parallel and automated computation

Supported modules

A typic machine learning pipeline is composed of a main estimator/model and optional preprocessing component(s).

  • scikit-learn

    • sklearn.ensemble
    • sklearn.linear_model
    • sklearn.naive_bayes
    • sklearn.neighbors
    • sklearn.svm
    • sklearn.tree
  • xgboost

    • XGBClassifier
    • XGBRegressor
  • mlxtend

    • StackingCVClassifier
    • StackingClassifier
    • StackingCVRegressor
    • StackingRegressor
  • Keras (Deep learning models are re-implemented to fully support sklearn APIs. Supports parameter, including layer subparameter, swaps or searches. Supports callbacks)

    • KerasGClassifier
    • KerasGRegressor
    • KerasGBatchClassifier (works best with online data generators, processing images, genomic sequences and so on)
  • BinarizeTargetClassifier/BinarizeTargetRegressor

  • IRAPSClassifier

  • scikit-learn
    • sklearn.preprocessing
    • sklearn.feature_selection
    • sklearn.decomposition
    • sklearn.kernel_approximation
    • sklearn.cluster
  • imblanced-learn
    • imblearn.under_sampling
    • imblearn.over_sampling
    • imblearn.combine
  • skrebate
    • ReliefF
    • SURF
    • SURFstar
    • MultiSURF
    • MultiSURFstar
  • TDMScaler
  • Z_RandomOverSampler
  • GenomeOneHotEncoder
  • ProteinOneHotEncoder
  • FastaDNABatchGenerator
  • FastaRNABatchGenerator
  • FastaProteinBatchGenerator
  • GenomicIntervalBatchGenerator
  • GenomicVariantBatchGenerator
  • ImageDataFrameBatchGenerator


APIs for models, preprocessors and utils implemented in Galaxy-ML can be installed separately.

Installing using anaconda (recommended)
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge Galaxy-ML
Installing using pip
pip install -U Galaxy-ML
Installing from source
python setup.py install
Using source code inplace
python install -e .

To install Galaxy-ML tools in Galaxy, please refer to https://galaxyproject.org/admin/tools/add-tool-from-toolshed-tutorial/.

Running the tests

Before running the tests, run the following commands:

conda create --name galaxy_ml python=3.9
conda activate galaxy_ml
pip install -e .
pip install nose nose-htmloutput pytest
cd galaxy_ml

To run all tests and generate an HTML report:

nosetests ./tests --with-html --html-file=./report.html

To run tests in a specific file (e.g., test_keras_galaxy.py file) and generate an HTML report

nosetests ./tests/test_keras_galaxy.py --with-html --html-file=./report.html

To run a specific test in a specific file (e.g., test_multi_dimensional_output test in test_keras_galaxy.py file) and generate an HTML report

nosetests ./tests/test_keras_galaxy.py:test_multi_dimensional_output --with-html --html-file=./report.html

Examples for using Galaxy-ML custom models

# handle imports
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Activation
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from galaxy_ml.keras_galaxy_models import KerasGClassifier

# build a DNN classifier
model = Sequential()
model.add((Dense(1, activation=‘sigmoid’)))
config = model.get_config()

classifier = KerasGClassifier(config, random_state=42)

# clone a classifier
clf = clone(classifier)

# Get parameters
params = clf.get_params()

# Set parameters
new_params = dict(

# model evaluation using GridSearchCV
grid = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid={}, scoring=‘roc_auc’, cv=5, n_jobs=2)
grid.fit(X, y)

Example for using Galaxy-ML to persist a sklearn/keras model

from galaxy_ml.model_persist import (dump_model_to_h5,
# dump model to hdf5
dump_model_to_h5(model, `save_path`,

# load model from hdf5
model = load_model_from_h5(`path_to_hdf5`)

Performance comparison

Galaxy-ML's HDF5 saving utils perform faster than cPickle for large, array-rich models.

Loading model using pickle...
(1.2471628189086914 s)

Dumping model using pickle...
(3.6942389011383057 s)
File size: 930712861

Dumping model to hdf5...
(3.006715774536133 s)
File size: 930729696

Loading model from hdf5...
(0.6420958042144775 s)

                 RobustScaler(copy=True, quantile_range=(25.0, 75.0),
                              with_centering=True, with_scaling=True)),
                 KNeighborsClassifier(algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30,
                                      metric='minkowski', metric_params=None,
                                      n_jobs=1, n_neighbors=100, p=2,


Gu Q, Kumar A, Bray S, Creason A, Khanteymoori A, Jalili V, et al. (2021) Galaxy-ML: An accessible, reproducible, and scalable machine learning toolkit for biomedicine. PLoS Comput Biol 17(6): e1009014. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009014