
All submissions for this problem are available. Sherlock is now taking a break from his current case and starts reviewing his famous case of "The N Orange Pips". He slips too deep into the case and gives you a puzzle. Sherlock has N boxes consisting of orange pips. The ith box contains Ai orange pips. He now wants you to take out some pips from each box (you may leave some boxes untouched), such that in all the boxes the remaining number of pips is odd and equal to each other. Also, for each box, the number of pips present after the removal must be a factor of the original number of pips that were present in the box. You need to take as minimum number of pips as possible. Now Sherlock asks you to tell the number of pips each box will have. Input The first line consists of the number of boxes, N. N integers follow, each having a single integer, denoting the number of pips in each box. Output A single integer denoting the number of pips each box will have. Constraints 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5 1 ≤ Ai < 2^63 Example Input: 4 98 42 14 28 Output: 7


All submissions for this problem are available. Sherlock is now taking a break from his current case and starts reviewing his famous case of "The N Orange Pips". He slips too deep into the case and gives you a puzzle. Sherlock has N boxes consisting of orange pips. The ith box contains Ai orange pips. He now wants you to take out some pips from each box (you may leave some boxes untouched), such that in all the boxes the remaining number of pips is odd and equal to each other. Also, for each box, the number of pips present after the removal must be a factor of the original number of pips that were present in the box. You need to take as minimum number of pips as possible. Now Sherlock asks you to tell the number of pips each box will have. Input The first line consists of the number of boxes, N. N integers follow, each having a single integer, denoting the number of pips in each box. Output A single integer denoting the number of pips each box will have. Constraints 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5 1 ≤ Ai < 2^63 Example Input: 4 98 42 14 28 Output: 7