
Adaptation of contig based plasmid classification for error prone long reads (PacBio and ONT) to improved genome assembly

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Final Labelling

PlasLR: Adaptation of Plasmid Prediction for Error-Prone Long Reads

GitHub GitHub code size in bytes

Adaptation of contig based plasmid classification for error prone long reads (PacBio and ONT) to improved genome assembly

Preprint is now available at biorxiv


PlasLR is coded purely using C++ (v9) and Python 3.6. To run PlasLR, you will need to install the following python and C++ modules.

Python dependencies

  • numpy 1.16.4
  • scikit-learn 0.22.2.post1
  • biopython 1.78
  • scipy 1.3.0
  • openTSNE 0.5.1
  • umap-learn 0.5.1
  • seaborn 0.9.0
  • h5py 2.9.0
  • tqdm 4.7
  • tabulate 0.8

C++ requirements

  • GCC version 9.1.0
  • OpenMP 4.5 for multi processing

Third party programs

Downloading PlasLR

To download PlasLR, you have to clone the PlasLR repository to your machine.

git clone https://github.com/anuradhawick/PlasLR.git

Compiling the Program

cd PlasLR
sh build.sh

Note on Probability Thresholds

PlasLR intends to pick the most accurate classification by either PlasClass or PlasFlow. Users can set the thresholds for selection of plasmids and chromosomes.

  • Case: PlasClass

    PlasClass outputs single probability values. Therefore, above prob_plas will be plasmids and below prob_chrom will be the chromosomes. We recommend leaving these two parameters unspecified so that they can be estimated by PlasLR.

  • Case: PlasFlow

    PlasFlow output probabilities under several plasmid and chromosome classes under their phylum. Therefore, the prob_chrom and prob_plas will be the thresholds for each class. Reads below these thresholds will be treated as unclassified. We recommend leaving these two parameters unspecified so that they can be estimated by PlasLR.

Running Program

usage: PlasLR [-h] --reads /path/to/reads [--ground-truth /path/to/truth] [--bin-width BIN_WIDTH] [--bin-coverage 32]
              [--max-mem 5000] [--resume] [--plasflow /path/to/pf.tsv] [--plasclass /path/to/pc] [--prob-chrom PROB_CHROM]
              [--prob-plas PROB_PLAS] [--dimension-reduction pca|tsne|umap] [--plots] --output OUTPUT [--threads 8]

PlasLR Plasmid Classification Corrector

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --reads /path/to/reads, -r /path/to/reads
                        Reads path (FASTQ)
  --ground-truth /path/to/truth, -g /path/to/truth
                        Read ids of reads (For dry runs with ground truth)
  --bin-width BIN_WIDTH, -bw BIN_WIDTH
                        Value of bw*bs will be the total coverage of k-mers in the coverage histograms. Usually k-mers are shifted
                        towards y-axis due to errors. By defaul bw=10.
  --bin-coverage 32, -bc 32
                        Total number of bins in the histogram. The computed value of bw*bc will be the total coverage of k-mers in
                        the coverage histograms. Usually k-mers are shifted towards y-axis due to errors. By defaul bc=32; coverages
                        upto 320X
  --max-mem 5000, -m 5000
                        Default 5000. DSK k-mer counter accepts a max memory parameter. However, the complete pipeline requires 5GB+
                        RAM. This is only to make DSK step faster, should you have more RAM.
  --resume              Continue from the last step or the binning step (which ever comes first). Can save time needed to run DSK and
                        obtain k-mers. Ideal for sensitivity tuning
  --plasflow /path/to/pf.tsv, -pf /path/to/pf.tsv
                        PlasFlow result tsv
  --plasclass /path/to/pc, -pc /path/to/pc
                        PlasClass result
  --prob-chrom PROB_CHROM, -C PROB_CHROM
                        Chromosome [Default Auto]
  --prob-plas PROB_PLAS, -P PROB_PLAS
                        Plasmid Threshold [Default Auto]
  --dimension-reduction pca|tsne|umap, -dr pca|tsne|umap
                        Dimension reduction technique. Defaults to PCA. For others install openTSNE or UMAP Learn libraries.
  --plots               Whether the initial classifications to be corrected or classify based on already labelled ones
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output directory
  --threads 8, -t 8     Thread limit

Running PlasLR on Test Data

cd test_data
tar -xvf data.tar.gz 

python ../PlasLR -r reads.fasta -t 8 --ground-truth truth.txt -pc pc -o plaslr_output --plots


  • We recommend not to use plots argument if you're running on a larger dataset (More than 100000 reads). As it might make the execution take a longer time.


Please submit issues on the github repo. Thanks for using PlasLR.