
Methods overview with scripts looking at mtDNA and haplogroup association with CPTAC LUAD study.

Primary LanguageR

Mitochondrial Haplogroup Association with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients

Background Information

Mitochondrial DNA Overview


This picture is a work by Emmanuel Douzery

  • Small circular DNA made up of 16,569 base pairs
  • Multiple copies within the mitochondrion organelles of the cell
  • Contains 37 genes
    • 2 rRNAs
    • 22 tRNAs
    • 13 Proteins
      • Encoded proteins are involved in oxidative phosphorylation process, generating energy through ATP production
  • Economically packed with overlapping genes and a very minimal non-coding region
  • Maternally inherited

Mitochondrial Haplogroup Overview


This image is of mtDNA Haplogroup Migration Map from 23andMeBlog

  • Mitochondrial Eve lived around 200,000 years ago and is considered to be living humans' most recent matralinial common ancestor
    • Originating in Southeast Africa
  • The accumulation of mutations in our mtDNA allow for the traceback of our lineage
    • Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) can be detected ar specific locations in the mitochondrial genome which can be grouped and assigned to global populations
    • The highly polymorphic, non-coding control region in the D-loop of the mtDNA is also known as the hypervariable region and is best for determining mtDNA lineage
  • Haplogroup nomenclature began in North America with A, B, C, and D and branched out through all the letters of the alphabet
    • The native North American haplogroups are branched out from Asia due to early migration

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)

  • NSCLC accounts for 80%-85% of lung cancers
    • Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD) is the most common malignancy
  • Heavily related to tobacco smoking but also the most frequent lung cancer found in “never-smokers”
  • Tobacco carcinogenesis is believed to play a role in the vulnerable mtDNA through alterations by way of somatic mutations

Project Goals

  • Assign mitochondrial DNA to haplogroups
  • Perform and compare global differential gene expression analysis across haplogroups
  • Examine overall impact haplogroups may have on NSCLC LUAD outcome, stage, and metabolism

Project Workflow

  • Obtain controlled access data from the GDC Data Portal
  • Load data into cluster environment for read depth analysis
  • Generate file formats: MPG, VCF, FASTA, and HSD
  • Call probable haplogroups
  • Integrate haplogroups with participant clinical data
  • Perform RNA-seq analysis with high dimensional data visualization

Data Fetching

  • Obtained whole exome, aligned, paired-end sequenced reads from GDC Data Portal
    • TCGA - The Cancer Genome Atlas
    • CPTAC - Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium
  • Loaded data to HPC with GDC data trasnfer command
module load anaconda/2
gdc-client download -t <token> -m <manifest>

Initial Data Analysis

  • Goal to analyze TCGA and CPTAC samples with read depth scripts to see which to use for full study

  • Wrote a shell pipe to loop through each BAM to get number of mitochondrial DNA mapped reads per sample with Samtools

    • Mitochondrial region may be denoted 'chrM' or 'MT', needs to be checked
  • Helps assess overall quality of samples

for i in samples/*/*.bam
    samtools idxstats ${i} > stats/$(basename ${i} .bam)_idx.bam
grep -H 'chrM' stats/*.bam > stats/chrM_bamstat_summary.txt

Samtools version 1.9

  • Next observed per-base read depth with PileUpStats.py script
    • Counts number of bases with read depths greater than 5 and 10
    • Returns summary file with fraction of bases with read depths of 5 or 10 or greater, and mean, median, and minimum read depths per sample
    • Outputs overall stats for all samples read
  • The greater the read depth, the more confidence and accuracy in base calls
    • Important for calling variants and when ensuring the correct haplogroup is called

Python version 3.7.2 Pysam version Numpy version 1.21.1

  • Use Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) to visually check selected TCGA and CPTAC samples to match calculations with observations

  • Overall, the initial data analysis showed that the CPTAC study mitochondrial reads had a much greater coverage and read depth and would be better to utilize for this study

File and Sample Renaming

  • Original CPTAC folders and files are a string of ~50 random chracters which my prove to be troublesome in downstream analysis
  • A sample sheet is supplementary material that was downloaded with the sample files
    • It can work as a name map to map back the long character string to a shorter Case ID name
  • I developed the python scripts "RenamerByMap.py" and "RenamerByMapCounts.py"
    • These map the long name back to the Case ID and append the first letter of the sample type to the end
      • Sample could be of Tumor, Normal Tissue, or Blood origin
    • The first script is used for renaming the BAM files and their folders
    • The second is used for the count files when preparing to perform DGE analysis

Python Version 3.9.5 Pandas Version 1.2.4


  • Used Bash/Perl Script from Dr. Jamie Teer to obtain an HSD file from the BAM files
    • This file contained the SampleID, Range, Haplogroup (column blank), and polymorphisms
  • This file is the input to the Haplogrep2 tool which calls the most probable haplogroup based on samples polymorphisms
    • These polymorphisms were additionally observed in IGV to visualize variations in the genome

Haplogrep version 2.2

Clinical Data Aggregation

  • I then developed a Python script to parse through the clinical data in JSON format and extract information

    • Race, Ethnicity, Vital Status, Smoker Status
  • The script output a TSV data array with the Case ID and the specified clinical information Python version 3.9.5 Numpy version 1.21.1

  • I obtained additinal clinical data from CPTAC-3 study site

    • This contained many other parameters and helps clear up smoking status and ethnicity variables

Differential Gene Expression Preparartion

  • Imported data into R
    • HSD File in TSV format
    • CPTAC-3 Clinical data
      • From JSON in TSV format
      • From site in CSV format
    • HT-seq primary tumor count data from GDC data portal
  • The first letter of each haplorgoup was subset and assigned to a new column, 'HaploID'
  • The data was clean and merged into a single data frame
  • Sample data distributions were visualized

Differential Gene Expression Analysis

  • Followed RNA-seq protocol utilizing edgeR, limma, and Glimma
    • Paper from Law, C. et al.
  • With Asian and European haplogroups being most heavily represented they were chosen as the main comparison factor
    • Specifically, HaploIDs B vs H and M vs R were compaired
  • No significantly differentially expressed genes were found
  • Further documentation and visualization for this workthrough can be found in the 'markdowns' and 'Rscripts' folders
    • Including package version information

Future Directions

  • Add in normal tissue sample information from CPTAC study
    • Was not observed here due to uneven amount of samples
  • Look into TCGA study through RNA-seq analysis
    • Greater number of samples, although mtDNA read depth is not as great
  • Study gene expression in "never-smokers" to see possible effect of carcinogenesis