- 4
- 8
Add more logs for `ValidateServerCertificate`
#229 opened by RobertIndie - 2
Reader/Consumer Messages
#230 opened by SultanaJon - 9
ConsumerFaultedException: Timeout while inspecting metadata; this may indicate a deadlock
#228 opened by htbmw - 7
`AuthenticateUsingToken(Func<Task<string>> tokenFactory)` is not a part of 2.3.0
#101 opened by VisualBean - 0
Support for Multi-Topic Consumer in DotPulsar
#227 opened by savan-rangrej - 3
- 8
DivideByZeroException in ChoosePartition
#224 opened by smbecker - 2
- 5
- 1
- 8
Multi-threaded consumption issues
#208 opened by gungod2000 - 0
Support HasMessageAvailable
#206 opened by smbecker - 1
Another Multithreading Issues
#210 opened by gungod2000 - 2
Multi threaded message consumer issue
#211 opened by savan-rangrej - 6
Proposal for the Release Process
#159 opened by entvex - 6
- 0
GHA: Artifacts
#182 opened by entvex - 0
#183 opened by ntbm - 1
- 0
- 4
DotPulsar OpenTelemetry
#168 opened by Ceyword - 4
How to Implement Delayed Message Delivery
#169 opened by Ceyword - 2
Support - Avro, JSON, and Protobuf schemas
#100 opened by benlongo - 1
Partitioned Consumers
#141 opened by toneill818 - 2
[DotPulsar] new consumer type: TableView
#154 opened by codelipenghui - 0
Broken link in
#150 opened by tisonkun - 2
- 2
Consume from partitioned topic
#137 opened by shialex - 1
Unable to read messages for partitioned topic
#138 opened by chenjing1294 - 9
Correct placement for exception catching
#134 opened by VisualBean - 7
- 3
Dot pulsar consumer message parsing
#116 opened by amareshmad - 16
When i run test console app consumer is creating and when i integrate same to actual product consumer is not creating and going to Faulted state
#114 opened by amareshmad - 1
Support - SendTimeout for Producer Client
#111 opened by eduardofesilva - 2
Why does "pulse changed state to'faulted" appear when I connect to the server version 2.10.0
#106 opened by wj8400684 - 4
Support - Custom authentication
#105 opened by RobertIndie - 8
DotPulsar refers to the MySql.Data package, which will cause the consumer status to become 'Faulted' and eventually fail to consume messages.
#107 opened by justinwujian - 6
Wondering about proto
#99 opened by ddieruf - 1
DeadLetterQueue handling in consumer
#98 opened by GeroL - 1
Expose Redelivery Count By Message Properties
#96 opened by GeroL - 16
Client usage
#92 opened by VisualBean - 0
Support - OAuth2 authentication
#94 opened by tuteng - 17
Recover after network disconnect
#84 opened by Flipbed - 1
- 3
- 1
Typo: DotPulsar
#88 opened by ZedZipDev - 5
Doesn't work
#87 opened by RichJacobs - 1
How to create a new topic by dotpulsar?
#82 opened by DrinkStar - 0
How to set receiveQueueSize of consumer
#79 opened by DrinkStar