Keep the things simple, keep the thing rocking! Even if I make a complex project, it doesn't have to look bad. The simplest things are the strongest ones.
Pinned Repositories
RIFE: Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation
Let's draw an Astroid Hypocloid on the HTML Canvas. There is an interesting object on the Analytic Geometry which is a curve made on a specific iteration of straight Segments, you just tell me the number of Segments (Iterations) and I will construct the object.
Voy a crear un algoritmo para un Cajero Automático. Mi objetivo es entregar la menor cantidad de billetes posibles a partir de la cantidad que se solicite.
Tools to aid HWM facial rigs authoring in Blender
In this specific project I'm going to make two Leds blink like a Police Car Light Bar. For programming an Arduino board with a Node.js host Server instead of IDE. I'm going to use the Johnny-Five library .
I'll make a Servo rotate if there is light in the environment with the useful help of a photoresistor.
As part of this project, I will write a program that processes a list of Tweets and generates a word cloud from them.
This is a compilation of all the developer’s wiki at the time I am making this compilation, the purpose of this book is not lucrative. You can take it like a material backup I made for the times it is impossible to access the internet. By forehand thanks to all the wiki contributors, without them the existence of this book couldn’t be possible. For all the updated information visit: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Category:Source_Filmmaker
I hope you know the popular game Tic Tac Toe. If you don't, It is required for you to go and google it. This project is about making this game drawing directly on the Canvas, there are some elements I had to add from external media (sounds, pictures and animation). For the brain of the game I developed a Javascript decision Tree.
I’ll be controlling an Electric Installation over the Internet by connecting a Relay Module to an Arduino Uno
apetezible's Repositories
In this specific project I'm going to make two Leds blink like a Police Car Light Bar. For programming an Arduino board with a Node.js host Server instead of IDE. I'm going to use the Johnny-Five library .
RIFE: Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation
Let's draw an Astroid Hypocloid on the HTML Canvas. There is an interesting object on the Analytic Geometry which is a curve made on a specific iteration of straight Segments, you just tell me the number of Segments (Iterations) and I will construct the object.
Voy a crear un algoritmo para un Cajero Automático. Mi objetivo es entregar la menor cantidad de billetes posibles a partir de la cantidad que se solicite.
Tools to aid HWM facial rigs authoring in Blender
I'll make a Servo rotate if there is light in the environment with the useful help of a photoresistor.
As part of this project, I will write a program that processes a list of Tweets and generates a word cloud from them.
This is a compilation of all the developer’s wiki at the time I am making this compilation, the purpose of this book is not lucrative. You can take it like a material backup I made for the times it is impossible to access the internet. By forehand thanks to all the wiki contributors, without them the existence of this book couldn’t be possible. For all the updated information visit: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Category:Source_Filmmaker
I hope you know the popular game Tic Tac Toe. If you don't, It is required for you to go and google it. This project is about making this game drawing directly on the Canvas, there are some elements I had to add from external media (sounds, pictures and animation). For the brain of the game I developed a Javascript decision Tree.
I’ll be controlling an Electric Installation over the Internet by connecting a Relay Module to an Arduino Uno
Jugaremos un Poco con los Eventos en HTML y JavaScript. Así como se detectan los eventos del Teclado, los del Mouse también. Esto, con lo aprehendido anteriormente me llevará a desarrollar un Lienzo Interactivo en el que se pueda dibujar directamente en el Canvas con el Mouse.
I wrote a short and comprehensive sketch code to light a led for one second on the port 13 and turn it of for 0.5 seconds.
Una elemento importante de la Programación Básica es el uso del residuo ("mod"). En el contexto de JavaScript y HTML hay un ejercicio muy popular: Fizz-Buzz. El ejercicio consiste en escribir los Números Enteros desde 1 al 100 (incluyendo 1 y 100); pero si el número es múltiplo de 3 se escribe Fizz, si es múltiplo de 5 se escribe Buzz (si el número es múltiplo de 3 y 5 se escribe FizzBuzz) en lugar de escribir el número.
This is a part of the Hello-World tutorial for learning Git and GitHub (https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/)
Instalé node.js y por medio de este, express. Me fue posible hacer un Servidor web (en la red local), pero este de por sí solo envia por medio de GET strings. Para servir proyectos anteriores por ejemplo, se tuvo que servir por medio de la función "express.static"
Entrando un poco en el Paradigma de Programación Orientada a Objetos, propongo este proyecto: Pakiman (No infringe ningún derecho de autor). En dónde hay tres clases de monstruos cada uno con ciertos atributos cada uno: Cowchín, Pokacho, Tocinauro.
This project contains an HTML and a Javascript document. Which tell you where ara you using the Window method "route" by using the Document method "write"
I propose this project as a suitable conclusion to my learning of Basic Methods built by default in JavaScript (Math.random, Math.floor, Math.Ceil). There is a map of a farm inserted in the Canvas, on the map several animals will be drawn in quantities and coordinates obtained through the Math.random () Method.
I'm going to calculate your weight on another planet. I only need you to tell me your weight on this planet and the planet you want to know your weight.