- 1
- 0
forceNiceScale doesn't seem to take effect:
#526 opened by mitya33 - 0
[BUG] - Use CSS color variables in the chart config not reflect to PNG, SVG, and dataURI of the chart
#521 opened by eng-ahmad-sameer - 0
disable XAxis crosshair snapping
#520 opened by jniclas - 0
Sometimes chart gets displayed in strange way
#518 opened by prakashgp - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
New Chart Type
#446 opened by placid2000 - 1
- 1
- 3
Incorrect default XAxis title position
#451 opened by TadasMil - 1
remove space empty columns
#452 opened by GitNick84 - 1
Custom Tooltip is blank/empty
#453 opened by ivorycoast - 2
- 1
- 1
can't set color for xaxis
#459 opened by anhkt212 - 1
Apexchart rangeBar issue: label of item stay on the chart even the item is gone
#463 opened by Sotatek-HieuNguyen3 - 1
Pie chart issue - gets cut off at smaller screens OR is too big for container at bigger screens
#464 opened by xenia1 - 1
Wrong value in tooltip (axis) on point hover when using a log scaling on Y-axis
#466 opened by AndriyBogdan - 1
Not display lines to 0 values
#467 opened by aldanchenko - 1
line animation Question
#469 opened by colinder - 1
Dinamic StrokeColors and shapes in scatter graph
#470 opened by AvedisBG - 1
Error: <path> attribute d: Expected number, "M N aN 331.9444999…" in vue apex bar chart
#485 opened by HammdMaqsood - 1
- 1
- 1
Error when zoom in Timeseries charts
#489 opened by akapong-tkc - 1
vue2 Semi Donut Chart: strange padding left
#492 opened by MizuBishi - 1
Is there a way to set gauge chart gradient angle?
#496 opened by ivanabrkic - 1
Xaxis tick off placement
#497 opened by Sleeeze - 1
Is it possible to fill area chart with different colors between two markers?
#499 opened by gentlekenny - 2
Wrong locale name provided when use pt-br LOCALES
#501 opened by Munaro - 1
Pie / Donut chart events
#502 opened by meganallas - 1
Add nonce as a prop for apexchart wrapper
#505 opened by Gdawson771 - 1
Vue apexcharts selecting multiple languages
#507 opened by sculha - 2
implementating apexchart for nuxt
#508 opened by beesou777 - 3
- 1
Line Chart Y-Autoscaling not accurate and with duplicated lables, when lables are formated
#514 opened by Attlas2 - 1
Chart type rangeBar, xaxis - datetime, y - numeric (need show hours). Something wrong with tooltip for y values
#515 opened by Orientir - 2
Grouped Stacked chart not grouping
#510 opened by sahatsawat-s - 1
Not so smooth gredient
#498 opened by donmb1 - 1
Bar Chart does not have tooltip on yaxis labels although categories are being passed ( Y AXIS tooltips not working )
#487 opened by burloiumarian23 - 1
Data labels slow performance
#500 opened by FrancoisVJ - 1
Sort the yaxis label in asc order
#491 opened by karenwanga - 1
Is it possible to disable automatically scaling
#490 opened by st1nkata9 - 0
- 0
Slow Resize Rate for the Chart
#468 opened by 1JunHuang - 0
Undefined issue on loading charts.
#465 opened by bdipesh - 0
Destroy chart
#460 opened by g992 - 1
Own gradient for each series on chart
#448 opened by Sergioramasano