
There are 18 repositories under vue-charts topic.

  • apexcharts/vue-apexcharts

    📊 Vue 2 component for ApexCharts

  • victorgarciaesgi/vue-chart-3

    📊 A simple wrapper around Chart.js 3 for Vue 2 & 3

  • juijs/vue-graph

    ⚡️ Vue components based on the JUI chart available in Vue.js

  • jqwidgets/vue

    Vue.js Demos. jQWidgets Vue.js Components - Grids, Charts, Scheduling, Pivot Tables

  • froala/vue-froalacharts

    Simple and lightweight official Vue component for FroalaCharts.

  • yomete/vue-charts

    A Vue.js application that demonstrates how to create beautiful charts with Vue wrappers, accompanying the SitePoint article.

  • bangbang6/data-report


  • jianfeng418/vue-charts

    vue 可视化组件,包含柱状图,圆形进度条组件

  • SyncfusionExamples/getting-started-with-the-financial-chart-component-in-vue

    A quick start Vue project that shows how to add a Vue Financial Chart component of Syncfusion to a Vue project. This project also includes a code snippet to set series types in charts and add crosshair, and tooltips.

  • Seven-33/vue-chart-3

    📊 A simple wrapper around Chart.js 3 for Vue 2 & 3

  • SyncfusionExamples/adding-annotations-to-vue-charts

    A quick start Vue project that shows how to add annotations to Syncfusion Vue Charts. This project also includes a code snippet to add image annotations to Vue charts, position images using the coordinateUnits property with pixel and point values as well as align annotations.

  • SyncfusionExamples/customize-logarithmic-axis-in-vue-charts

    A quick start Vue project that shows how to customize Syncfusion's Vue Chart component using logarithmic Axis. This project also includes a code snippet to use available axis customization options like setting custom ranges and intervals for the y-axis, display y-axis values with different log base values, and format axis labels.

  • SyncfusionExamples/customize-numeric-axis-in-vue-charts

    A quick start Vue project that shows how to customize Syncfusion's Vue Chart component using numeric Axis. This project also includes a code snippet to display data items based on custom x-axis range values and custom intervals, formatting numeric value labels with custom formats or globalized formats, and adding range padding to the horizontal axis.

  • SyncfusionExamples/customize-vue-chart-axis-labels

    A quick start Vue project that shows how to customize a Syncfusion Vue chart axis labels with properties for smart axis labels, and multilevel labels. This project also includes a code snippet to trim axis label width, break axis labels into multiple lines and position axis labels.

  • SyncfusionExamples/getting-started-with-the-polar-and-radar-chart-in-vue

    A quick start Vue project that shows how to add Vue Polar and Radar Chart component of Syncfusion to a Vue project. This project also includes a code snippet to render the Vue radar and polar charts with basic features like data markers, series plotting types, and tooltips.

  • SyncfusionExamples/how-to-enable-crosshair-and-trackballs-in-vue-charts

    A quick start Vue project that shows how to make Syncfusion's Vue Chart more interactive by adding crosshair and trackball. This project also includes a code snippet to customize a crosshair tooltip.

  • SyncfusionExamples/zooming-and-panning-options-in-vue-charts

    A quick start Vue project that shows how to enable zooming and panning options in the Vue Charts of Syncfusion. This project also includes a code snippet to zoom a specific chart area using different zooming modes, customize the toolbar options and navigate zoomed areas using panning.
