Dynamic Egocentric Exploration

Self hosting instructions

  1. Create an .env file in /backend/ and /frontend/.
  2. Write the following environment configuration in these files:
Config key Description Fallback value
REQUEST_SECRET Some string expected from the backend API for extra security.
APP_PORT HTTP port of the application. 8000
VITE_BACKEND_URL The host where the backend was deployed and also the subroutes of it. Don't put a slash at the end of the string. Example: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/web-scraper
VITE_REQUEST_SECRET Some string expected from the backend API for extra security.
  1. cd into /backend/, run npm i; npm run start.
  2. If this throws an error, you don't have chromium installed. Puppeteer needs it. Install it and try npm i again.
  3. cd into /frontend/, run npm i; npm run dev.
  4. You should be good now and the project should work. Have fun!