- adamvrCologne, Germany
- ajkblue
- and previously Summit Global Education
- chadkeckIowa
- cneimanPhoenix, AZ
- diegomuraMontevideo, Uruguay
- DipeshwagleKathmandu
- egoens@thumbtack
- eminarslanIstanbul, Turkey
- farhan687Remote
- filipeoliveiraa@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT
- gaspanikTokyo JAPAN
- girishramnaniIndia
- gngeorgiev
- guybarnardSynchronous Health
- hugo-alvesLisbon
- jakernFifth Third Bank
- kaushik94@RocketsGraphQL
- kishanpatel
- laventuraMountain View, CA
- livioso@loladotdev
- lucasbento@bitvavo
- marciovicenteJusbrasil
- metagrover@openinvestco
- mihirsoni@opensearch-project AWS
- OscarGalindo
- rishiloyola@facebook
- risonsimon
- sacheendraAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- scibernixNew York
- siddharthlatest@reactivesearch
- stephnrSharkmob AB
- thefarhanr
- victorrodrigues@ifood
- xmarcos@mercadolibre
- Yannsimon92Nantes ( France )