=============================================================================== = Robust Scene Reconstruction = =============================================================================== LATEST NEWS (7/22/2015): 1. We have published my fork of PCL. It is a development version, for reference only. We don't provide any support. https://github.com/qianyizh/StanfordPCL 2. Executable system available at http://redwood-data.org/indoor/tutorial.html 3. Lots of useful things - software, data, evaluation tools, beautiful videos and pictures - are on: Project page: http://qianyi.info/scene.html New project page: http://redwood-data.org/indoor/ =============================================================================== Introduction This is an open source C++ implementation based on the technique presented in the following papers: Robust Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes, CVPR 2015 Sungjoon Choi, Qian-Yi Zhou, and Vladlen Koltun Simultaneous Localization and Calibration: Self-Calibration of Consumer Depth Cameras, CVPR 2014 Qian-Yi Zhou and Vladlen Koltun Elastic Fragments for Dense Scene Reconstruction, ICCV 2013 Qian-Yi Zhou, Stephen Miller and Vladlen Koltun Dense Scene Reconstruction with Points of Interest, SIGGRAPH 2013 Qian-Yi Zhou and Vladlen Koltun Project pages: http://qianyi.info/scene.html http://redwood-data.org/indoor/ Executable system: http://redwood-data.org/indoor/tutorial.html Data: http://qianyi.info/scenedata.html http://redwood-data.org/indoor/dataset.html Citation instructions: http://redwood-data.org/indoor/pipeline.html This github repository is maintained by Qian-Yi Zhou (Qianyi.Zhou@gmail.com) Contact me or Vladlen Koltun (vkoltun@gmail.com) if you have any questions. =============================================================================== License The source code is released under MIT license. In general, you can do anything with the code for any purposes, with proper attribution. If you do something interesting with the code, we'll be happy to know about it. Feel free to contact us. We include code and libraries for some software not written by us, to ensure easy compilation of the system. You should be aware that they can be released under different licenses: g2o <GraphOptimizer/external/g2o> - BSD license vertigo <GraphOptimizer/vertigo> - GPLv3 license SuiteSparse <FragmentOptimizer/external/SuiteSparse> - LGPL3+ license Eigen <FragmentOptimizer/external/Eigen> - MPL2 license =============================================================================== Modules + GlobalRegistration A state-of-the-art global registration algorithm that aligns point clouds together. + GraphOptimizer Pose graph optimization that prunes false global registration results. See CVPR 2015 paper for details. + FragmentOptimizer The core function that simultaneously optimizes point cloud poses and a nonrigid correction pattern. See CVPR 2014 and ICCV 2013 papers for details. + BuildCorrespondence ICP refinement for point cloud pairs registered by GlobalRegistration module. + Integrate A CPU-based algorithm that integrates depth images into a voxel, based on camera pose trajectory and nonrigid correction produced by previous steps. + Matlab_Toolbox A Matlab toobox for evaluation of camera pose trajectory and global registration. + In the executable package * pcl_kinfu_largeScale_release.exe * pcl_kinfu_largeScale_mesh_output_release Executable files for creating intermediate point clouds and final mesh. =============================================================================== Quick Start See tutorial on this page: http://redwood-data.org/indoor/tutorial.html =============================================================================== Build Dependencies We strongly recommend you *compile* Point Cloud Library (PCL) x64 with Visual Studio. http://pointclouds.org/ SuiteSparse is required for solving large sparse matrices. https://github.com/PetterS/CXSparse ACML is required for SuiteSparse. http://developer.amd.com/tools-and-sdks/cpu-development/amd-core-math-library-acml/ The compilation requires Visual Studio 2010 on a Windows 7/8.1 64bit system. We are not happy with the current compatibility issues. We are working on a new code release that will not depend on external libraries as much and will be much easier to compile. Stay tuned.
3D reconstruction system to creating detailed scene geometry from range video.