

sledford921 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello! So whenever I try to run something along the lines of the sample mentioned in the instructions:

cd training
python ../clairvoyante/
--chkpnt_fn ../trainedModels/fullv3-illumina-novoalign-hg001+hg002-hg38/learningRate1e-3.epoch500
--bam_fn ../testingData/chr21/chr21.bam
--ref_fn ../testingData/chr21/chr21.fa
--bed_fn ../testingData/chr21/chr21.bed
--call_fn chr21_calls.vcf
--ctgName chr21

I keep running into this error:

Error: pypy executable not found

Do you know what might be causing this? Thanks a ton!


You need to have pypy installed. Please refer to the readme for me details.

You may also want to try out the latest version at