
LYVE-SET, a method of using hqSNPs to create a phylogeny, especially for outbreak investigations

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


LYVE version of the Snp Extraction Tool (SET), a method of using hqSNPs to create a phylogeny.


After downloading, run make install. Some versions are unstable. For the latest stable version, please see the releases tag on GitHub.

See INSTALL.md for more information including prerequisite software

For the impatient

Here is a way to just try out the test dataset. It runs the lambda dataset (1st param) and places the results into the lambda directory (2nd param)

set_test.pl --numcpus 8 lambda lambda
# try out a larger dataset
set_test.pl --numcpus 8 listeria_monocytogenes listeria_monocytogenes 

Make Lyve-SET go quickly with --fast! This option is shorthand for several other options that save on computational time. See launch_set.pl usage below for more details.

set_test.pl --numcpus 8 --fast listeria_monocytogenes listeria_monocytogenes 


To see the help for any script, run it without options or with --help. For example, set_test.pl -h. The following is the help for the main script, launch_set.pl:

Usage: launch_set.pl [project] [-ref reference.fasta|reference.gbk]

If project is not given, then it is assumed to be the current working directory.

-ref               ref.fasta      The reference genome assembly. If it is
                                  a genbank or embl file, then it will be
                                  converted to reference.gbk.fasta and will
                                  be used for SNP annotation. If a fasta
                                  is given, then no SNP annotation will
                                  Default: project/reference/reference.fasta

--allowedFlanking  0              allowed flanking distance in bp.
                                  Nucleotides this close together cannot be
                                  considered as high-quality.
--min_alt_frac     0.75           The percent consensus that needs
                                  to be reached before a SNP is called.
                                  Otherwise, 'N'
--min_coverage     10             Minimum coverage needed before a
                                  SNP is called. Otherwise, 'N'
--presets          ""             See presets.conf for more information
--numcpus          1              number of cpus

--mask-phages                  Search for and mask phages in the reference genome
--mask-cliffs                  Search for and mask 'Cliffs' in pileups

--nomatrix                     Do not create an hqSNP matrix
--nomsa                        Do not make a multiple sequence alignment
--notrees                      Do not make phylogenies
--singleend                    Treat everything like single-end. Useful
                               for when you think there is a single-
                               end/paired-end bias.
--fast                         Shorthand for --downsample --mapper snap --nomask-phages
                                             --nomask-cliffs --sample-sites
--downsample                   Downsample all reads to 50x. Approximated according
                               to the ref genome assembly
--sample-sites                 Randomly choose a genome and find SNPs in a quick
                               and dirty way. Then on the SNP-calling stage,
                               only interrogate those sites for SNPs for each
                               genome (including the randomly-sampled genome).

--read_cleaner none            Which read cleaner? Choices: none, CGP, BayesHammer
--mapper       smalt           Which mapper? Choices: smalt, snap
--snpcaller    varscan         Which SNP caller? Choices: varscan, vcftools

--queue        all.q           default queue to use
--numnodes     50              maximum number of nodes
--qsubxopts    '-N lyve-set'   Extra options to pass to qsub. This is not
                               sanitized; internal options might overwrite yours.
--noqsub                       Do not use the scheduler, even if it exists

--readsdir  readsdir/          where fastq and fastq.gz files are located
--bamdir    bamdir/            where to put bams
--vcfdir    vcfdir/            where to put vcfs
--tmpdir    tmpdir/            tmp/ Where to put temporary files
--msadir    msadir/            multiple sequence alignment and tree files (final output)
--logdir    logdir/            Where to put log files. Qsub commands are also stored here.
--asmdir    asmdir/            directory of assemblies. Copy or symlink the reference genome assembly
                               to use it if it is not already in the raw reads directory

Run a test dataset

See: examples.md for more details.
Also see: testdata.md for more details on making your own test data set.

The script set_test.pl will run an actual test on a given dataset

Runs a test dataset with Lyve-SET
Usage: set_test.pl dataset [project]
dataset names could be one of the following:
  escherichia_coli, lambda, listeria_monocytogenes, salmonella_enterica_agona
NOTE: project will be the name of the dataset, if it is not given

--numcpus 1  How many cpus you want to use
--do-nothing To print the commands but do not run system calls

# will run the entire lambda phage dataset and produce meaningful results in ./lambda/msa/
$ set_test.pl lambda lambda


See: examples.md for more details.

The script set_manage.pl sets up the project directory and adds reads, and you should use the following syntax. Note that paired end reads should be in interleaved format. Scripts that interleave reads include run_assembly_shuffleReads.pl in the CG-Pipeline package (included with make install) and also shuffleSequences_fastq.pl in the Velvet package. Lyve-SET also has a special script shuffleSplitReads.pl that will shuffle many reads at once as shown below in the example.

# Shuffle your reads if they are not already. This command
# creates a folder interleaved and creates interleaved files
$ shuffleSplitReads.pl --numcpus 8 -o interleaved *.fastq.gz
# Create the project directory `setTest`
$ set_manage.pl --create setTest
# Add reads
$ for i in interleaved/*.fastq.gz; do
>   set_manage.pl setTest --add-reads $i
> done;
# Add assemblies (optional)
$ set_manage.pl setTest --add-assembly file1.fasta
$ set_manage.pl setTest --add-assembly file2.fasta
# Specify your reference genome
$ set_manage.pl setTest --change-reference file3.fasta

Run Lyve-SET with as few options as possible

$ launch_set.pl setProj

More complex

$ launch_set.pl setProj --queue all.q --numnodes 20 --numcpus 16 --notrees

Output files

Most output files that you will want to see are under project/msa. However for more details please see docs/output.md.

To visualize the results, please see docs/VIZ.md.

Getting help

Citing lyve-SET

Katz LS, Griswold T, Williams-Newkirk AJ, Wagner D, Petkau A, et al. (2017) A Comparative Analysis of the Lyve-SET Phylogenomics Pipeline for Genomic Epidemiology of Foodborne Pathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology 8.

See Also

Other SNP Pipelines

Lyve-SET sites

Sites or organizations that use Lyve-SET

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