[Xindi] (http://www.getxindi.com/)
From small beginnings come great things. ~ American Proverb
Xindi is a small, lightweight and flexible CFML content management system. It's great for web developers looking for a simple way to make site content editable by their clients.
Open source, free and flexible, Xindi is a great choice for your next web project.
Xindi uses the frameworks listed below.
- [FW/1] (https://github.com/seancorfield/fw1)
- [DI/1] (https://github.com/seancorfield/di1)
- [ValidateThis] (https://github.com/bobsilverberg/ValidateThis)
- [Hoth] (https://github.com/aarongreenlee/Hoth)
- [MXUnit] (https://github.com/mxunit/mxunit)
- [CFSelenium] (https://github.com/bobsilverberg/CFSelenium)
- [Twitter Bootstrap] (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/)
- [jQuery (and jQuery UI)] (http://jquery.com/)
- [CKeditor] (http://ckeditor.com/)
- Adobe ColdFusion 9.0.1 or Railo 3.3
- MySQL 5 or MSSQL
Clone the git repo - git clone git@github.com:simonbingham/xindi.git
- or [download it] (https://github.com/simonbingham/xindi/zipball/master).
[Please view the project wiki for installation instructions.] (https://github.com/simonbingham/xindi/wiki)
Xindi is licensed under the [MIT License (MIT)] (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).
However, the frameworks listed above have their own licenses which you should review before using Xindi.
Xindi is authored by [Simon Bingham] (https://twitter.com/#!/simonbingham) with support from [John Whish] (https://twitter.com/#!/aliaspooryorik) but anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.
If you experience any problems with Xindi please:
- [visit the Google Group for help and advice] (https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups#!forum/getxindi)
- [submit a ticket to the issue tracker] (https://github.com/simonbingham/xindi/issues)
- fix the error yourself and submit a pull request
You'll find Xindi on [Twitter] (https://twitter.com/#!/getxindi), [Facebook] (http://www.facebook.com/getxindi) and [Google+] (https://plus.google.com/112798469896267857099).