
Stereo_processVisual() doesn't use event data?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello authors,

Thank you for sharing such an impressive project. I was really impressed by your work.

I have one question about the code when I ran roslaunch esvio_estimator esvio.launch

In estimator.cpp, link

void Estimator::Stereo_processVisual(const map<int, vector<pair<int, Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1>>>> &image, // image features
                                     const map<int, vector<pair<int, Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1>>>> &event, // event features
                                     const std_msgs::Header &header) {

Stereo_processVisual function should process the optimization using image and event data because there is a solveOdometry_esvio function inside of it. But as far as I know, there is no code to utilize the event feature data and even when I debug it, the event feature data seems never be used.

Is it the right way of Stereo_processVisual to use? or did I miss something?

Thanks in advance!

Hi, thanks for your interest. For the "event feature data" problem.

  1. You can find that in the solveOdometry_esvio(), we use both image and event data for triangulation (such as, f_manager.Event_triangulateStereo(); f_manager.Stereo_Event_triangulate(Ps, tic, ric);).

  2. The function optimizationesvio(); is the actual optimization thread that uses the Ceres library. In this function, you can also find that we use both event and image data(such as, problem.AddResidualBlock(f_td, loss_function, para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[1], para_EventFeature[Event_feature_index], para_Td[0]);)

Thank you for the reply!

I tried to put the cout code in here

std::cout << "Stereo Event Feature " << Stereo_Event_feature.size() << std::endl; 

But it always print out the size '0' when I ran roslaunch esvio_estimator esvio.launch code. Is there something that I miss??

Thanks in advance!

@cpymaple Thank you for the reply!

I tried to put the cout code in here

std::cout << "Stereo Event Feature " << Stereo_Event_feature.size() << std::endl; 

But it always print out the size '0' when I ran roslaunch esvio_estimator esvio.launch code. Is there something that I miss??

Thanks in advance!

Hi, We fix some bugs. And now it can print out normally, maybe you can try again.

Thank you for the quick reply. It's working very well now :-)
Have a good day