Pinned issues
- 1
Add bash shebang to nord.tmux
#93 opened by s0racat - 0
Suggestion - Add Current Path Location to Tmux Status Bar with Optional Toggle
#92 opened by edudebortoli - 5
Nord tmux doesn't look as intended
#69 opened by ArjunSahlot - 8
Window status bar turns to white sometimes
#28 opened by shangsunset - 2
Customize status_right with pomodoro
#68 opened by anoopd - 2
I cannot add things to the status bar
#86 opened by billgsm - 1
- 2
Status bar is ugly in Mac OS X
#89 opened by truenicoco - 0
- 4
- 3
Trouble with develop branch
#82 opened by possibilities - 0
`nordtheme` organization migration
#79 opened by svengreb - 3
- 6
- 0
Northern Post — The state and roadmap of Nord
#78 opened by svengreb - 0
- 1
make the status bar responsive
#76 opened by bbigras - 1
- 0
Replace application names with their icons
#74 opened by DavidEGx - 0
Fix image asset URLs after `nord-docs` GitHub flow and `main` branch migration
#72 opened by svengreb - 2
How to make no patched font version look better
#70 opened by Aceticia - 2
Status bar not rendering patched fonts correctly, elements are reversed colors and messy
#67 opened by ioogithub - 0
After installing Nord tmux port, the borders changed but text did not change colors.
#66 opened by ioogithub - 0
Add options to customize date/time
#24 opened by chaucerbao - 2
Custom right status content
#35 opened by josh9060 - 0
Broken color-settings in nord.conf
#38 opened by astier - 3
Weird Symbols instead of arrow Glyphs
#39 opened by Kaddu720 - 7
Tmux Status Bar arrow color issue
#40 opened by c-park - 26
Sakura term truecolor weirdness
#46 opened by kierun - 11
troubles in Ubuntu
#49 opened by Slavjan - 2
tmux prefix highlight should not patch font when no_patch_font setting enabled
#51 opened by wingyplus - 1
Weird Lines in Status Bar
#52 opened by znre - 3
- 13
Weird rendering... Is the problem my font?
#57 opened by wantyapps - 2
Tmux Configuration Weird Loading
#58 opened by 0xd4y - 1
Session name is too short
#59 opened by sevenmaxis - 2
tmux (when used with byobu) colouring
#33 opened by eddelbuettel - 3
Support for tmux-battery and tmux-cpu
#22 opened by Laleee - 2
- 4
status indicator gone?
#41 opened by elig0n - 2
Configurable separator characters.
#62 opened by Arelav - 1
Ubuntu 18.04 Theme not displayed correctly
#63 opened by sn1c3 - 0
Add option for customizing date format
#60 opened by andersevenrud - 2
Just installed in Debian. Shell is messed up
#48 opened by danfmihai - 2
the theme does not work
#56 opened by Hugo-Oliveira-RD11 - 1
Confusion about colour settings
#30 opened by ironhouzi - 1
Session name gets cut off
#25 opened by chaucerbao - 1
Hostname gets cut off
#26 opened by chaucerbao - 19
Support tmux-weather plugin.
#43 opened by kierun - 0
Nord Docs Transition
#36 opened by arcticicestudio